This is a place for all broken grieving hearts to come, its my safe haven and I share this with all of you to be your safe haven. I am hoping through my journey of grieving as well as my real life experiences through grieving I can help all through their darkest hours, to ease the pain a little less, to maybe just give an ear to listen because sometimes that's all we need.
I am willing to bare all to each and everyone who comes to this blog. I want no one to be shy of anything. I want anyone to ask question's, tell their stories with pride. No one will judge you, or think you are different. We are all here going through the same thing GRIEVING. This is my safe haven, your safe haven. The place to heal, to find your smile again. Through this all I am on a journey to writing a book as well "The Grieving Path To Joy".
As years passed through out my life I look back to the signs, whispers, and most of all gut instinct feelings to realize then that I always ignored or shrugged off what ever it was that felt or seen or heard as I went on with my day. Not taking time to understand those life callings that soon get loud that no longer you can shrug it off to nothing. I do believe all my life I had this special gift, gifted to me to never notice just how powerful and special it be to this day.
As I walked passed someone I'd get that powerful feeling of that person whether it be sad, stressed what ever it may have been, a house for some reason that gave a feeling to my gut as I glanced in wondering of why, a certain moment in life that felt as though dejavu but knowing now it was pieces of my visions of a puzzle coming to life. Most of all to me is the feelings I pick up from every aspect of life, that to me is a true gift, a gift to know as I look to someone if they need that "hello" as they feel sad or not seen. To know if a person is wanting to speak their truth but feel no one will listen.
To me the greatest gift to bare is to pick up on how people are feeling is a gift to know you are here to pick up on that and empower all that you feel are in need. To let the light shine bright in the darkest of places. The darkest of times people may feel they are in but never to get out of, to let them know they can, they will. I been scared for so long to understand this gift, to bare the truth to others in thoughts others may judge, today though I stand strong that judgment of others does not define my gift given to me by the greater good. To know we are all unique in a very special, loving way to embrace not disgrace.
I do believe that fighting the storms quite often has made me understand that in all that I find myself, strength and love every time I get knocked down but never stay down. Losing my husband gifted me to see beyond what our eyes see, it opened me up to the core of my being to see life as a brand new baby in purest of form. It has been too long to of not accepted truly who I am, as age comes upon me the wisdom of my life unfolds to show me that these gifts are to empower you and those you meet in life, strangers, friends, family all around far and wide. To know it is not something to be embarrassed of yet to embrace, to learn, to share to others to empower their lives as well as special gifts.
Laying in meditation so many times I see just how easy it is to vision but vision with feeling to make that vision your reality. To understand that the only person keeping you from your vision is you as well as the judgment you fear of others. As I journey to soak up the knowledge to the gift I bare it excites me to know that there is so much more out there we have never could of believed if not for the calling of the universe touching our souls until we realize "hey this is it now stop ignoring it and be the powerful being you are meant to be".
It's not about waiting for others to accept the gift you bare, nor waiting for judgment to stop, it is about being you 110% to know the rest don't matter. Now is the times we need to bare our gifts and be proud, to use them to the fullest to show others it is ok and not to be ashamed. Empowerment of others, building others up, finding their gifts to let them know to it is special to their being to use that to the fullest. Do not wait nor hide feel that feel good vibe in your gut when thinking of a message to your mind to know that ain't just no coincident that is the universe telling you that thought is it, that feeling is there for a reason.
With this I leave you the link to my radio show to show to others that we are gifted and all our gifts are unique to be used not ashamed of, to enlighten, empower and lift others. This is the beginning of our journey, lets do it together and shine bright for others to see, to open up and follow the light