This is a place for all broken grieving hearts to come, its my safe haven and I share this with all of you to be your safe haven. I am hoping through my journey of grieving as well as my real life experiences through grieving I can help all through their darkest hours, to ease the pain a little less, to maybe just give an ear to listen because sometimes that's all we need.

I am willing to bare all to each and everyone who comes to this blog. I want no one to be shy of anything. I want anyone to ask question's, tell their stories with pride. No one will judge you, or think you are different. We are all here going through the same thing GRIEVING. This is my safe haven, your safe haven. The place to heal, to find your smile again. Through this all I am on a journey to writing a book as well "The Grieving Path To Joy".

Apr 25, 2020

I've Got Cuomotine Fever

So it seems I been seeing so many articles circulating around about Mr Cuomo and how they are wanting to be the next in line.  So I thought why not do my own article on my very own blog?  Than I was like "yea why not I can do it, just do it". In the midst of all the ups and downs happening I thought something funny for a change would be good, as they say "laughing is the best medicine".  As always though I noticed when things start trending hard around social media I'm always late to the party, that's ok, better to be late than never.  So on a funnier note than the last blog here I am typing all my funny.   

So all things thought of in my head I have a solution to them all, If there was a bachelor in my mind hands down I'd win, as for the huge waiting line I've already been escorted to the number one in that line, along with the long wait list of women that be a good match for Mr Cuomo, I am definitely number one on that list as well.  A gal can and shall always dream.  

As to geography already got that figured out in my thoughts him being a New Yorker and I being a Canadian eh, politics aside, it just works out, hey it's my dream I can disregard some details to make it work if I got to.  As for age difference that is shot down immediatly, "age is nothing but a number", I got leverage on this one, my belated husband was twenty seven years older, NO I am far from a gold digger, my belated husband was no where near being rich.  Cuomotini comes to mind like a smooth glass of a Martini as Mr Cuomo is to a fine wine.

Listen I been a widow for nine years, so I got dibs far and beyond anyone, just the fact that when my belated husband passed raised the bar for other men, Mr Cuomo exceeds that bar, also not to mention to even think of another man is enough said, after losing the love of your life, in fact all that alone gives me all rights to even dream of all this Cuomotine Fever always.  No, no, no, I am not using the death card by far but its a fact ha, ha.  

Listen it's been 6 weeks being in,  so please my dreams and thoughts are rash, very well thought out as well.  Look me up I am just a women living in Canada, admiring from a far.  No I have not lost my sanity, like I said just look me up you will see no crazy here.  Wicked sense of humour perhaps, with some funny, ocassional thoughts to add but hey we are here in our homes for quite some time now, days have to be filled with a whole lot of sense of humour, laughs and funny thoughts.

Every briefing I find myself watching, it's his quick, strong persona that gets me everytime.  It's how a true leader should be, take no BS, speak no BS.  I actually wonder if I was a reporter sitting in front of this huge presence how'd I react if asked upon to ask a question.  I'd definitely stutter, than ask something totally not related to what is being talked about, ha, ha.  So yes in my dreams, thoughts and witty personality, I am number one to be the next good candidate for Mr cuomo, hands down.

Yes I say nope no line ups for me, no waiting lists, no obstacles, it's the best kind of thinking, as I said before a gal can always dream, dreams come true however that is a whole other topic for another day.  Serious note, strong admiration for this man Mr Cuomo not just for the fact of he is as sexy as they come but for the fact he implements true, compassionate, leadership.  Oh yes to add to the briefings I watch every day,  I do try really hard to focus on what he is saying but my mind keeps going back to "he's SO pretty", WHAT?  A man can always be pretty,  trust me it's the new sexy.

Just a sassy Canadian in awe of Mr Cuomo, however why do I keep saying Mr?  in my mind with him it be Andew, however out of respect as I type it is Mr.  No shame in my play, you'd be crazy to turn this fine wine down ever.  So yes I will leave it with that and the fact like the song says, CALL ME MAYBE?  AGAIN a gal can dream a beautiful dream.  I was always told to dream big, so yes that is no downfall for me.


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