This is a place for all broken grieving hearts to come, its my safe haven and I share this with all of you to be your safe haven. I am hoping through my journey of grieving as well as my real life experiences through grieving I can help all through their darkest hours, to ease the pain a little less, to maybe just give an ear to listen because sometimes that's all we need.

I am willing to bare all to each and everyone who comes to this blog. I want no one to be shy of anything. I want anyone to ask question's, tell their stories with pride. No one will judge you, or think you are different. We are all here going through the same thing GRIEVING. This is my safe haven, your safe haven. The place to heal, to find your smile again. Through this all I am on a journey to writing a book as well "The Grieving Path To Joy".

Oct 3, 2013

Give it up to the hands Higher


Coming from your heart to do things that you love, from a passion so electrifying that radiates from your heart through love is always where you will find your most amazing thing in life, to your life, to people around you, that gift through you onto others radiates so much love that in that love is the work of a love so powerful no words will ever explain.  It’s not about magic; it’s not of just coincidence it’s using your purpose, finding it in the great passion that fills your all leaving you to know of nothing else that is
 So powerful to you that right to the core is your purpose exploding through each and every part of you.  When you back of all things with your love nothing but good comes back your way.  Each time you make another smile, every time you see the spark come back into someone’s eyes that you have helped to turn on that spark, to sparing money to someone you know who is in need, to simply just being grateful for what you have now and not seeing through to what you don’t have, to knowing God is a love in you waiting for you to ignite and listen to what it is you are meant to be here for.  From littlest to of biggest of things you do from your heart onto others is truly your whole heart given to know that in it all comes back stronger and more than before, God knows that you struggle, that you fall, that you fight, he sees that you are truly doing all from the heart, taking your purpose to truly use it with love onto the world.
To feel the brightness in your own self, to see that in others and to give it to those that don’t, when you open your heart fully to embrace the fears of taking the leaps looking back to smile that the leap of faith is where all the most beautifulness of things happen you never ever worry of fear again to have faith in all your leaps your net under you is there, to leap in faith is to trust in God to allow him to see that you trust he will catch you if you fall, that even in the fall is the best part of it all, it is in the down time you get to see what you need to do it again with the knowledge of why it was you fell all the other times.  When you feel that feeling of letting go of fear to accept in Faith and trust you start to see things around you take shape as never before.
Most of all to believe in who you are and what you carry in your heart is what is the most of importance to you and the purpose that you build to.  Some days you may not feel it but it doesn’t mean it left you it just means you have a day to build the things you see around in the now you are so very grateful for, to rid of the feelings you can never do what it is your heart loves and wants you to do, to feel you can’t be that impact to what your purpose is out into the world, well those day are the days you need to fully lift up to God to understand to take notice in the gratefulness of all there is now, that it’s not easy, nothing you build is ever easy and there will be days you feel the fight is more than you can handle yet in it you find the spark is there, it may be dull but in the gratefulness of all you see now it ignites bigger and brighter as it always has been.
I lost my husband, I lost my father but through the bad I brought in the good no matter how hard it was to see that good I brought it in, I felt the pain but so hardly through it I prayed, I stuck to seeing the lessons, the silver lining, the love of what we shared.  I leaned into my love, I leaned into my faith, without doubting I kept taking those baby steps to what it was my heart felt so strongly to do, it was not a whisper it was an explosive of nothing but energy through all of me, it was my determination, it was the hurt, it was in it all I chose to understand yes the pain is unbearable but in me is the strength and love to find the ways to make my life worth living, to see there was life still worth living, to understand that through it all there were so many out there feeling that pain of grief as I do, that I never wanted anyone to feel the way I do for longer than they needed, to not let others ever feel they were alone, that alone was my heart and love letting me know the purpose of my love was ignited.  I doubted, I struggled, I fell, yet each and every time in getting back up here I was guided back to grief and loving to love those that do grieve.  I am writing this blog tonight because I am in the clouds in the understanding just how important it is to follow your heart to never stray from it no matter how tough times are, to understand in your pain you can pull in the good no matter how little it may be.  To understand someone is there waiting for you to love you endlessly and bless you in a purpose you back with unconditional love.
After my husband passed it was in all of me to start right away a blog, at first it was just as though to be as a journal a place to let go of my emotions, later to find the help that was coming through to me of others, than a spark of light in me felt it, my heart felt it, my love was in it, it was then I knew in all of me that to be the person to help as many people as I could to help that were grieving is what I wanted more than anything, as little as it may of seemed, helping just one is more than not doing nothing at all.  Than to start visioning my blog to be more than just a blog, to set out to become known, to become so known that I could reach out onto so many out there around the world, no matter how tough, how time consuming in all of me just wanted to be the change in grief, to those that dodge grief, turn cheek to those that grief, to even more so to those that felt alone.  To bring compassion, love, and understanding to the word grief that so many brush off as something that just leaves over a certain amount of time.  Being able to make the change to a topic so hush hush to so many when in all reality we all are touched with grief sooner or later in life, it is just that fact that those who don’t, do not want to see the one day they too will be touched by it.
Now through this all I’ve struggled in believing in myself, that I and what I do was important enough to finding to surrender it to God to know he knows of my purpose that in his hands one day it will blossom into something bigger than I could of ever imagined it to be, that what I was doing was being built from my heart, from the love of my purpose.  Now that is when I see the blessings that happened when you lift all your faith, trust, belief to the Lord knowing he sees and knows what you are trying to build that he shall build it into something even bigger than you thought of, to know your loved ones passed, your guardian angels, your spirit guides all you lift up to sees you and knows in your heart that what you are trying to do comes from the purest of love they back you up and play a role in your purpose, into where it is you need to go. 
Today was my proof of what does happen if you surrender to not giving up on your purpose or dream but lifting it up to God is just how much starts to be created with no stop in sight.  Windsor Star paper here wants to do the story of me, my blog and TV show coming soon on TV Cogeco, than finding out that my show coming soon to TV Cogeco may turn into a series or documentary on CTV all of this news today made me smile in knowing that faith, trust, love, belief in giving it up to God in trust that he’s got you, that that’s not the end, the more you embrace it the more doors that open, that the love you carry for what you do for your purpose is endless where it will take you.  I cried in knowing that thanks to my dad passed he was the one to lead me to see this all, to lean into God’s love, people that know that love, to lift it all up in faith, to embrace God so much more than before this was all of the lesson to my heart from my dad as he left this world.  It is him, that’s when I see it there is the good in the pain that we feel, that no matter what the good, the blessings, the beauty are there, always there for your heart to embrace if only you believe.  To do things out of the purest of love selflessly, to just love and help those you know are in pain, no matter how hard it may seem to be.
When you lose someone it is of the hardest thing to bring yourself to do but guess who blesses your heart to ease enough just a little to make you see those blessings in it all, how is it you make it through each and every hard day, when you look back to see how far you got, do you see how it is you got to where you are?  Through the love of you, love of God, prayer and most of all our loved ones passed lifting us when we feel we can’t walk.  That no matter what they are the force behind you to always wanting to see your smile, not your tears. 
There is so many of blessings that happen to not understand where all of this good is coming from, purpose backed with unconditional love to building to wanting to make a change in something that needs change, to knowing and standing in your light and faith is always a blessing to you that opens up so much more to anything ever imagined before.   The fails, the falling down, and the struggles all that is worth it in strength to keep believing in you, to keep the faith to know in thanks to look up and say thank you each and every blessing that comes your way.  Lifting the stress of your purpose up to the Lord is not giving up it is your strength in asking in faith that you need help and know deep in your heart it will be in the time it is meant to be.  I don’t mind that all of what I vision comes to reality because too much of a good thing is more than enough, to see the bits and pieces fall together to leading to more and more is what it’s all about, to have the patience to see it happen in every baby step you accomplish.
Faith, love, gratefulness, abundance, being in the now, knowing the love of your loved ones pass is never far from what you seek, to embracing God in way you thought you could not of done is what will carry you through to the beauty of all you hold in your heart to achieve in the purpose you were blessed with in life.  Even further than your purpose to just love and care for others even if a stranger to you, to smile and lift others in the paths you cross, not shunning upon those that need help, to embracing them with love to help and know in them is a piece of you.  Sometimes though sometimes it is also in having faith in you and belief to dare to ask the great ask, it’s not only in the believing it will be you have to put yourself out there to so bravely do the asking, to face the fear of what could be and know in your heart what you carry is of significance built from your love.  You never get what you do not ask for, that sometimes you have to jump and have faith in all of you that you shall fall onto the greatest of your blooming purpose blossoming more and more, the more you believe you are important, that what you carry in you is important.
Finding the silver lining in all your gloom is the greatest blessing to your heart that you will ever seek, to see in you there is still life, to know up above is a force of nature that is backed by the love you fill in this world.  To believe in all of you your loved ones passed smile in knowing that’s the person I knew she/he could be, that they to know of all happiness that surrounds us and in that they sigh in knowing they always will have your back as well.  Tears of JOY have to be of the most amazing moments to your heart and soul.  As your tears fall they fall onto others to pass joy onto others in their times of doubt.  Seeing the love of all you believed in becoming into something you always believed and seen you could do is acknowledgement of the love force of God in your life, the love force of those that we loved that passed, truly no words can explain seeing your purpose bloom into what you thought sometimes could never.
Love others, help others, find a piece of you in all you see, that truly is where you can let go of pain, in the great dare of asking, that as well is where you face your fears to see what you hold is so much stronger than the fears that try to scare you from what you want.  It truly is in loving of others and seeing the greatness in them to help and lift up is where you see what life is all about.  Finding it in you no matter how hard it is to reach out to others and be there for them is where you will find the pain you feel lifted.  I say this a lot but know it is so true, to know that helping others to your fullest is opening up your life to so much around you and your heart.  Every week I go to the place of love, New Song Church to just be there to know there lays a piece of my dad to love to help to embrace God’s love more than ever before to understand through it life isn’t always about good times to fill those bad days with love and rise above it all again and again is the strength of it all.  Strength of love, strength in your days of helping others that no matter what you will rise through those bad days to see a brighter day coming soon no matter how hard you feel you won’t
NOTE TO ALL:   All of my love is built in here, all my love is in the helping of those that have asked for my help in their hard times, through it all in the faith and belief that the change I felt in my heart I could be would never fade, that the purpose I carried was with unconditional love, all of that and more to come is always my path to walk on, knowing through it all the doors that need to open will open, knowing in each person in need of help that I see have truly felt my compassion is not only just because of me it is the work of God onto me onto others.
 Keep understanding that the gratefulness you seek never goes unseen, the being in the now of beauty that is all around instead of what you want to see in the future is a powerful force to open your heart and doors to so much more than you could ever think of.  To always be thankful for every little achievement in the baby steps you take, looking up and knowing thank you God for the littlest to biggest of things you bless upon my life each day.  Lifting up your purpose with all your love in knowing you’re not giving up that it is in your faith, belief and trust it will be more than ever thought of one day in its own time.  Purpose built on love is what we are, it is what gives our purpose the energy it needs to grow to become all and more we could have ever thought or seen in our minds.  Today I am so grateful for so many of things and know this is not where it ends, that this that seems so big to me is just the beginning. 


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