This is a place for all broken grieving hearts to come, its my safe haven and I share this with all of you to be your safe haven. I am hoping through my journey of grieving as well as my real life experiences through grieving I can help all through their darkest hours, to ease the pain a little less, to maybe just give an ear to listen because sometimes that's all we need.

I am willing to bare all to each and everyone who comes to this blog. I want no one to be shy of anything. I want anyone to ask question's, tell their stories with pride. No one will judge you, or think you are different. We are all here going through the same thing GRIEVING. This is my safe haven, your safe haven. The place to heal, to find your smile again. Through this all I am on a journey to writing a book as well "The Grieving Path To Joy".

Oct 14, 2013

Hear my Roar of Love


When you are given the responsibility of love, to love onto others through the knowledge of what you been through it is to face it with all your strength, to use that with all you have in you no matter how hard it is to remember of the things that shattered your heart not so long ago.  If this is your heart, this is your love; this is the same of pain you have struggled than this is where you must stand strong to lift another up as they feel they on their own can’t stand no longer.  However in our hearts are memories and knowledge to love onto others that struggle through the same as we have before an it is in us to hold their hand and walk with them through their pains and struggles, it is not to lock up what you have been through to ignore others that are struggling to ignore and turn away from.  If that was you on your knees not knowing of what, how, where, you would never want another to turn from you in your greatest times of need.  If you are love first than your heart will not allow you to turn cheek.
So many of times I’ve been shattered in the thoughts of what I have  been through to help another that I know in us all is a strength of the force of love to help onto others and walk with them through it all until they no longer need you to lead.  Holidays are of the worse in reminder that the one special person in your life is not there, yet understanding to do all you have in you to honor who you miss is so much more than giving into the pain that tries to crush all of you.  If you are taught the greatest of lessons in your life to see others struggling through what you have been through it is in your heart to be the teacher an hold that persons hand no matter what memories of before flash before your eyes.  It is when you are getting your own strength in your struggles to truly helping those painful memories become no longer debilitating to your heart that helping the other person through it invades your heart to feel nothing but the greatest of love ever.
Tears may fall, life of before may flash before the front of your eyes but in the looking of another to see you are giving full compassion and love to see them looking back at you getting that makes all those flashbacks as if though never existed.  Love onto every soul that you can that you feel needs you because in it all is a love so powerful that comes back to you giving you the lift of love more than you have ever had in you before.  Even if you see someone struggling with something that you have not been through it is in you to embrace that person fully to lift up and through it is a lesson to your heart, there is not no one person you cannot help if you know an truly feel in your heart that they need it.  If you approach with love than nothing can beat that test, how someone could have turn away from another I could never understand or comprehend why.  If you are standing in the love that you been blessed with than you have more than what you need to be love, to be compassion, to love.

As I looked to another man an felt in his eyes that behind it all something was wrong, I asked and sure enough I found it.  Did I walk away to pretend I did not hear?  No I stood strong to take the time to let this man know that he was seen and cared for no matter what he may of thought.  He smiles to me to say “thank you for seeing me, to care for someone you do not even know”.  He was wandering around in circles of his life finding out his wife had just left him that day, but you see that is not what I have had heart lessons in, yet still found it in my heart to help, give love, let this person know they are noticed in this world and not alone through the pain that they feel.  It is sometimes not of the knowledge you carry to help another but the love that you have to reach out and give a hand to someone who feels lost.  To do it purely of love to never ever expect anything but knowing you helped in return, seeing that person you helped smile is worth more than anything in this world.
There will never ever be a moment in my life I will ever turn cheek from the hardest of struggle I see and notice in others no matter how hard it is for me or scary it is for me to approach.  If you have a heart and you are here than helping another is in you, it is in us all to do onto others as we would want them to do onto us.  I have looked back to the toughest, roughest scariest places I’ve been in to realise now that not one part of me was harmed in knowing through the love of helping another lifts higher away from that tough, scary, rough place to a place of being held in the arms of angels.  I remember approaching a very scary situation of a man just here in Canada yelling so loud, that to approach the situation terrified every being in me, yet as approaching the man looked to us with 2 beautiful dogs so obedient and so taken care of than seeing to other girls that were the ones giving him a hard time I just knew by the looks of the dogs this man was not of any danger and my heart that led me there would not lead me there for no reason and if in harm’s way.  After getting this man to walk with us and ignore the ignorance that was in front of him we got him to calm down, play with his dogs and finally see a smile.  He had told us he had just moved here from Africa that he had thought it was not a good place but thanks to us he knew there were good people around.  You see your whole being may be afraid of the situation your heart is telling you to go to but in that love you will never be led to a place that you cannot handle, or be harmed.
Trusting in your heart whisperers is never a failure to you; it’s your love’s way of guiding you to a place where you should be.  If not for going through the most painful of times my heart would never be so open to all that I have done, if not from hitting rock bottom would my heart ever learn the greatest lesson of all to my life, to be the person you can to lift others up in times that you know that you are needed to be there.  The most beautiful of unconditional love has touched my heart to truly open my all in everything that I see.  To know life is so much more than helping your own self out, that what you go through makes you a teacher to everyone that goes through  the same pain.  It’s to see through the exterior to see the love on the inside.  Life is more when you truly know deep within your all you have helped someone, that becomes a force stronger in you the more and more you listen to where it is you are needed.
To let a person walk past or leave astray that you know is going through hard times is to close up your life and heart to a life of nothing but caring for what little you need to in your own life, the world is full of more than just what struggles you go through, that through others struggles your own are lifted and soon enough forgotten in the love space you create in loving another’s needs.  Some may say well why would you even help so much to others if you have your own to deal with?, well in our own to deal with is to see evaporate in helping of another, to see the light come on in another makes all of you smile full of bliss to know what you deal with was never bigger than being able to help another.  This is not only to be of help to humans but to animals because animals are humans with fur, feed a stray, love a stray, take in a stray, care for the helpless even if it is the furry kind, they too have hearts just as we do and have feelings as we do. 
To walk in great love is a gift given to us all, to finally recognise it is a miracle all on its own.  To understand that it is not just all about what struggles we go through, that there is a whole world out there that struggles every second of every day.  Is not to say you are a super hero and can reach it all but one by one that leads to more and more.  What you do never goes unseen by the higher power above because in us that seed is given to us just as God has done for us all.  To deny a person of help is to deny yourself of help because perhaps one day it will be you to need to be lifted, would you want to see so many seeing you to be invisible?  Or would you want to be recognised and seen in this big world?  My husband passed has taught me this lesson, through him my heart has opened through so many of perceptions I thought totally different of, to actually seeing the real meaning of once what I thought.  I cry so hard at times in that loss yet know in my heart that he hasn’t really left me, he’s the one that watches over me and carries through me.
It truly is a gift to know that your love is so strong that you can help so many, that in you is the strength to walk with so many that needs you until they can walk alone.  It’s not about riches or fame; it’s about being love and raising people higher with you along the way.  I’d rather be blessed with the greatest love than be rich with all the money in the world because your heart and compassion and loving another is worth more than all that.  Of course if you had that money you could help so many but in you without money is still the power to heal another.
I remember a story of my husband passed during our hardest of times, there was a man that we walked passed that you could see was homeless and with nothing, my husband took every last penny he had and gave it to this man, back than I looked at him like are you crazy but to realise now that my husband truly knew what life was all about, that him being in my life was a lesson to myself that was needed.  There so many moments in our life I would see my husband passed give so much of himself that it angered me then to wondering why would you run yourself through so much for so many?  To know now truly that he knew what his life was and what it was all about, I cry in knowing that I wished then I would of known just exactly how special he was and the gift that he carried that I could of just appreciated him so much more, but I smile knowing that piece of him has been left in my heart and opened my all to truly understand it all now.  Yes there may be some that want to take advantage of that love but through it your heart will guide you and let you know just who those people are that suck the energy from you.
My husband never spoke of God so much but I do know he knew what he was here to do and that God had let it clearly known to him strong in his heart.  So many animals he brought home, it was at the time a time of frustration, yet knowing now just how many never went hungry or harmed is worth so much more to me now.  There was not one animal he would let go astray and be alone, I smile in knowing just how much he loved any and all animals to know that his heart was so pure and loving that to love an animal truly shows just how big his love was.  He is the force and drive in my heart to open and embrace all of this life in the way it is supposed to be, to not be all for yourself, to let others know they are heard, they are cared for, that you alone have the ability to love onto so many in their times of need, that the strength in you grows to so many of others that need you, that your energy never fades because in it all your love gives all that you need.
I’m excited for my future, I do not know of my future but I’m excited to know that I am on the right path and nothing will knock me off the path I am needed to be on.  The force of unconditional love for others is a force to never be reckoned with.  You see I lost a part of my heart yet through the pain I have gained more of it back through the little lessons and blessings I opened to that were all around me in every heart wrenching step that I took.   The truest test to me was to be able to care for someone and help a person my husband was not on good terms with but not because of him but because of the other, in it I could just feel that my husband passed has done so much for so many that gave him such grief that in my heart I knew I had the strength to learn from him and do the same.  On that day I looked up to smile in knowing just how far our love could go if you let go of the negativity and be what you are more than anything LOVE.


Understanding that in the helping you free your own self of your own pain in the smiles and love that surrounds you in the helping you give freely.  It is as though through it all the magic of little miracles embrace you and what you do each and every time you embrace your heart whispers.  Being in the now moments are more powerful than ever though, because being in the now allows you to feel, hear, and listen to what it is you are being called upon.  There was not ever one person passed that my husband passed would turn cheek from that he knew needed help an I’m blessed today to honor that piece of him in me and do all he would do if he was here.  Took me a while to see this but the more I embrace faith, love, and God, in the forgiveness I gave so freely to my father there is a power force there that will always give you the strength you need in any of situations you are needed.
NOTE TO ALL:  I am truly blessed to be graced upon by the most memorable of people I may of lost but know carry with me every step I take, that when I am in my own pain I know I will be lifted through the help that I have given to another, that I will never be alone in the pain that comes my way because through it all there is always another person out there suffering more.  Never will I be dragged down to the belief I don’t have it in me.  All I have to do is look back to all of what I have been through to know I will always have the over powering love that I need in my moments of hardship and sadness. 




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