This is a place for all broken grieving hearts to come, its my safe haven and I share this with all of you to be your safe haven. I am hoping through my journey of grieving as well as my real life experiences through grieving I can help all through their darkest hours, to ease the pain a little less, to maybe just give an ear to listen because sometimes that's all we need.

I am willing to bare all to each and everyone who comes to this blog. I want no one to be shy of anything. I want anyone to ask question's, tell their stories with pride. No one will judge you, or think you are different. We are all here going through the same thing GRIEVING. This is my safe haven, your safe haven. The place to heal, to find your smile again. Through this all I am on a journey to writing a book as well "The Grieving Path To Joy".

May 5, 2013

Lifes A Quote

This blog I decided to dedicate to all quotes that spoke to my heart going through this life of grieving, dreaming, finding you again. Sometimes it is in the very little you seek the strength

Through all that has been happening I found that through little messages like quotes that it is as though it's the whisper in you giving you it through words in case you can not hear that whisper. Quotes to me speak to you, they speak the truth, they show you things in ways never thought of before. In this blog are all quotes I adore and spoke out loud to me, yet short but sweet to the point. Each quote I share will have a description to it of the thoughts it carried with me, my thoughts to what it was I seen in the strong words. Remember its the littlest things that could very well be a sign to you and the life you are building to.

To find the strength in you to get through the things in your life you must find your strength, you must believe it is there that nothing is impossible if you know in you lays strength beyond what you are capable of ever knowing. Search in you deep to find that source, this life is full of pain yet in it is pieces of your strength each time you go through it.

In your time of grief it is most important to be with those that truly love you no matter how much you just want to be alone.

Angels are all around us surrounding us each day with love, our loved ones passed will forever be with us, through them we will find our way through all of our life, not seen they walk beside us every day each step we take. Angels are always around waiting to give us love, strength, guidance. Our hearts will forever be the love of the angels with us, they seek us in all the things we may do in life watching to make sure we stay on the path we were meant to be on.

just because we cant see them doesn't mean their not there ♥


Strength is always in you sometimes you just have to find it, no matter how far away it just be you, you always have it in you to go deep within and find the strength you need in the moments you face.

Truly look at life with your eyes wide open to all the blessings,

Cherish the memories through every hard day that comes your way through the treasured memories you find your smile leaving the pain no space to stay

Once your hearts been touched with true love it never leaves you

Forever in our hearts ♥

Find it in your heart to find comfort that suits your heart♥

So true its the greatest of strength you get from memories you share that lift u higher above all the pain from the small to the big find your greatest moments to turn back on your light when the darkness lurks over you

keep them in your heart like the burning flame of a candle their love will burn strong always in your heart

Believe and doors that once were closed will be forever opening

Never give up on you or your dreams

Through it all we are all here for different purposes we are all different people don't let no one change who you are be you and love every bit of it

Turn on your own light ♥

Love this something to make you all smile and giggle

Never deny the loss you feel no matter what people say we will always feel that loss because of the true love we have been blessed with always remember its not about time its about love that never goes anywhere except lives on in us ♥

Although not seen through our joy and happiness is when we know for sure they never did go anywhere just unseen

When the pain in your heart doesn't ease up pay attention to your heart and understand its telling you the love you carry will always be there but the strength of that love will always get you through the things you face from small to big True love is a gift in that love lays a power stronger and magical than seen

Expect miracles because true love has blessed your life

Once your hearts been touched with true love it never leaves you

Dreams are ours for the taking never give up on yours

Don't ever let any one tell you how long or its been long enough grieving, we all grieve in our own way its nothing to do with time grief is something that will forever stay in our hearts because of the love we forever will keep there. In our own time we find ways to ease our heartache yet will always carry their love, so from time to time we always will shed tears to the great love no longer to be seen but forever felt

YOU are the star of your life, your show, you say how everything is set out for you, no one can take the leading role from you unless you let them. Do not ever feel that you can not help those that grieve, or turn away simply due to not knowing what to say, it is in the silence that as well as being there the grieving know you care, your love along with being there lifts our hearts above the pain we feel trapped in. No matter how uncomfortable face that feeling to fight it, to be there for those you care. To those that grieve it is in us as well to reach out to people in need no matter how hard our pain is, it is through the loving that we feel the pain less, by helping others we feel nothing but love as well as joy. I say to all that grieve PRAY, it seems so simple yet it is powerful, it will lift your heart far and above all the pain. To all grieving hearts know in your heart in time you will see many come, many go, yet you will see the most important full of love that never left. Do not let your heart feel for the ones that left, yet only for the ones that have stayed. Know in your heart that every second gone by will lead to a day you have made it through your pain. Don't dwell on the negative when so much positive surrounds you in every tear that falls. In your heart is a gift, your love is the truest of gift that could ever be. Your loved ones passed love is what carries through your love, their lessons to us is what keeps them with us forever.

When its storming dance in the rain and embrace the strength you hold inside you and look up never forget to look up ♥ storms never last forever after the storm the sun always shines and rainbows appear

So much sympathy and compassion is needed to those that grieve not enough of it is around for the gentle hearts in their time of need I'm grateful to be able to touch as many hearts out there that grieve the world needs to wake up and have a bigger heart to those that grieve and understand there is no time limit on a heartache trying to heal

Remember their love remember how they made u feel do all things they loved doing to celebrate their life this holiday its all about their love for you and how amazing they made you and your life feel perhaps some tears may fall but don't let it control the power of your love and blessings they were to your life smile in knowing they may not be seen but through love will always be felt

From the hardest to greatest of things in your life it is because of it all your the best possible you right now and still building to be greater you than how you are now, those dealt the hardest of things become the strongest fullest of people, through it in the pain lays your blessings it defines the truest of all you are and can be. Regret and pain are a disguise gifted to you to make you become the whole person you need be

Never ever be afraid to ask for help or admit it no matter what you are never alone

Use the wisdom you carry to help others in their times of pain turn your pain into wisdom so that others can learn from you in times of despair find it in you to turn all your struggles into wisdom so others to can see they can do it just the same

Your time, your heart, your life, don't let others ever tell you when or how you should be feeling, grief is something you will always carry with you because your heart remembers the love you were blessed with

The love is what casts the pain away that creeps up on you vastly feel that love you shared and the pain runs away as fast as it came always remember what it was your loved ones passed made you feel and that alone diminishes the pain

Love never ever leaves you, unconditional love is a gift forever

Cherish the memories through every hard day that comes your way through the treasured memories you find your smile leaving the pain no space to stay

If you cant see that light make your own, turn on your own light through your love and the love of your loved ones passed that lay with your love in your heart

Use all of your pain as stepping stones lifting you higher every time build your life up and reach for the stars don't give in to the pain in that pain lays your strength building you higher through it each time you struggle so keep building towards the stars and help others around build up with you, struggles and pain are your lessons to become whole, to become all you can be

Be thankful for the little to biggest of things, be thankful for what you have now not what you want and the rest will follow

Second chances are for everyone if this day is a hard one know that its not every day you will feel like this,br>

Our hearts, our world, our soul, our home has a piece of heaven in it, in us

Sorrow can break you to the point where your heart fully opens to see life as pure as a child sees, in that moment you begin on a path that no words can ever describe

Your heart will always feel the loss and how ever long it feels it it is ok don't let others make you feel that its not normal losing someone will forever be felt in your heart of the love that is lost so "what others think of you is none of your business" ~Deepak Chopra

Your dreams never leave you no matter how long they are always there waiting for you to make them your reality

Your strength comes from the pain you feel, in the pain is where you find lessons to who you are and bits of your strength each time you fight the battle of pain to ignore that is to ignore who you are and what your life blessings are trying to whisper to you

Find your happy thought and use that every time you feel the darkness moving in

Look up and BELIEVE ♥

Always keep getting back up even if it takes a little longer as long as you get back up is what matters most

Dont let others determine the strength of who you are or wait for the approval of others to reach for your dreams its you and only you that conquers the dreams you hold within

Don't let fear convince you that its there to stay and keep you from your excellence that you are look it in the eyes to let it know your not convinced or letting it control take a deep breath and jump for your dreams in life

The length of time it takes to get back up don't matter as long as you eventually do each time, see the world from laying down and enjoy it

Always stay in the now its not about an hour from now a day a month its about now the moments that are happening all around you in this very moment

Find your purpose and what beats in rhythm with your heart and your pain slowly evaporates into thin air your smile love hope and dreams soon follow

Grief opens the windows to our heart to see the world in all its pureness just as we did as a child the way we all should see it rising above the pain is a breaking point to the pain because once you see life in all of its pureness the dreams you once had come back to your heart and you see they are doable that the love you radiate casts out to the world to touch others hearts that grieve and to reach others in their times of despair to help others in trying times is to let go of yours in your times of pain

Use the magic that is you out into the world to help others in their times of needs use the wisdom you carry right now in your pain to lift others through the same that you go through its in the helping our pain lifts to relieve our hearts more and more we seek others in pain to help while we are building to anew their are others that are to, look around and build together be the help that others may need Magic happens when your heart is full of love and put out into the universe

NOTE TO ALL: Quotes are words to our soul when we can not hear the whisper to our heart, life, our all, all these quotes have been used in my site on facebook please feel free to join, share, spread the word and browse around, link will be below.


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