This is a place for all broken grieving hearts to come, its my safe haven and I share this with all of you to be your safe haven. I am hoping through my journey of grieving as well as my real life experiences through grieving I can help all through their darkest hours, to ease the pain a little less, to maybe just give an ear to listen because sometimes that's all we need.

I am willing to bare all to each and everyone who comes to this blog. I want no one to be shy of anything. I want anyone to ask question's, tell their stories with pride. No one will judge you, or think you are different. We are all here going through the same thing GRIEVING. This is my safe haven, your safe haven. The place to heal, to find your smile again. Through this all I am on a journey to writing a book as well "The Grieving Path To Joy".

Aug 15, 2015

All The Single Craze


You ever find yourself wondering at the most weirdest of hours in the night when you should be sleeping you find yourself in a state of terror and wonder to yourself as you gaze at the ceiling knowing that sleeping is so much more important than thinking of as to why you are here gazing into space in a terror state of mind thinking "oh my gosh, I am single, what if I never meet anyone"?.  Now I know for sure that if I am in bed at the wee hours of the morning in terror of this question that there definitely are others.  So much thought goes into "is it me?", "am I setting off a vibe?". 

It seems we tend to turn that deep dark secret towards our self when in actuality that question shoots both ways.  The fact that we most women are stressing in odd hours of the night should be turned around and asked to ourselves "are there any men out there thinking of this exact question as we do at this time of night with a feeling of as though the ceiling may cave in"?  For me personally the fact that most women I believe stress more than men on this topic is for the purpose of merely setting ourselves up a force field of prolonging the meeting the right man as most would say even longer. 
Have you ever noticed about anything in life the more you stress of something,  the more away you feel from what you are stressing of even when you do not think you are.  It's as though you create a invisible barrier for the positive to break through in the constant negative thoughts of always wondering if the problem of anything you stress of is because of you.  I say drop the stress and wear your dress, love you, be comfortable and content in the space of being with you alone, laugh, smile, know in you that you are love, beautiful, and worthy of the greatest you always thought you deserved, that even though single that is just a word and being single don't mean you can't,  it just means your waiting and not settling for less. 


I remember in my late nights of stressing this "single dilemma" I would write, write of what it was I was thinking and write what it was I can imagine in another partner.  Qualities, characteristics, anything and everything you could of thought of as you felt a frantic attack come over you as you pondered the thought you'd never find that special someone.  However I do believe having another in your life does not make you a whole person, that you are whole on your own, the companionship to just have someone to laugh with and share your dreams with and give love is very special, to know what we can give takes all to another level. 


Yet as a single we have to know that it is ok, to be comfortable in our own skin, to love ourselves, before another can just for the pure fact that if we love all of ourselves we will then be guaranteed that the bar we set will most definitely be met but only after we drop that stress and wear our dress and conquer our world in the now with no thoughts of what if or into the future we know is unknown for now.  You don't like the drop the stress, wear a dress then drop the stress and no hot mess. 


A worldly topic that you look for to grasp so many answers,  yet to each and every opinion comes totally different answers, it just means that to the answer "why am I single"?, there really is no clear true one answer.  To look into yourself and know that the deeper of thought along with thinking secretly creates the prolonging of the coming into your life.  Positive you, with no stress opens a world wind of all to come at the moment of your surprise, out of the blue when noticing you have dropped the stress of the question and let go of the answer, to see in front of you to a total shock to your life your answer has stepped into your life.

Fact:  No stress + Set Free = Letting it IN


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Dance/Sing like No One is Watching

Well today I had to stop to laugh about my choices of songs always stuck in my head, "Feel Like Making Love", as well as "Lets Get It On".  That got me to thinking well is there something wrong with the songs stuck in my head?, to start thinking of that taboo "sex" word that should always be kept in silence, thinking of have we really as a society grew away from those olden days where "sex" was taboo?, and too even sing about it in public is a greater taboo to you as well as something bad as a person for always having those special tunes singing bliss in my head that makes me smile and laugh every time. 
I think to myself if it makes you laugh and reach beyond the stresses of life than who and what is it hurting.  As I look around to the rush of the world I say to myself "these people need to stop and break out a tune and dance" after all it is easing the level of stress in you as well as around you as someone watches to smile, as well as laugh and has others thinking "hey maybe life is to serious all the time", to get them to break a move and sing something out loud always stuck in their head as well. 

After all we almost always hear and see "LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE" so take that and make another laugh by your outrageous brake outs of songs stuck in your head.  I am thinking if your showing others that sometimes just sometimes serious needs to be kicked to the curb for just a little while, a whole lot of us would be much happier, deep breathing people, even if it is of the taboo "sex" kind of tunes.

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