This is a place for all broken grieving hearts to come, its my safe haven and I share this with all of you to be your safe haven. I am hoping through my journey of grieving as well as my real life experiences through grieving I can help all through their darkest hours, to ease the pain a little less, to maybe just give an ear to listen because sometimes that's all we need.

I am willing to bare all to each and everyone who comes to this blog. I want no one to be shy of anything. I want anyone to ask question's, tell their stories with pride. No one will judge you, or think you are different. We are all here going through the same thing GRIEVING. This is my safe haven, your safe haven. The place to heal, to find your smile again. Through this all I am on a journey to writing a book as well "The Grieving Path To Joy".

Dec 29, 2013

Expected comes Unexpected

When you have to fight, try to control, and feel as though you are fighting for the attention of someone you may feel you have feelings for know in your heart, it is not because of you, it's not because you are not worthy, not good enough, that person is better than you, it simply means that is the person not suited to fit in your heart.  Love is easy flowing, real and easy to just be with, once it captures your heart and everything just falls into place is when you know that it truly is love.  Love is often enough heartbreaking in many of situations but Love is to be in the life we live with out it we are not living.  First and foremost the love for yourself must be present 100%, the love of God in the heart in you that beats. 
With out loving yourself first how is it to know what really what love is from another?.  Too many times I see so many pushing for that love of another finding themselves going in circles than finding that person blaming themselves for not getting that person they so whole heartedly thought would be.  I use to be this person in many situations and found each and every time it slowly deteriorated self confidence, with feelings always as though I was less worthy of that persons attention an love. 
I type tonight of this for every person out there that may feel this feeling going through life trying to find the one, the one that fits their heart, the one that is the true love to their life.  Simply find it in you to know that like failing this to is a lesson to you, not a break down in your confidence nor to feel less of a beautiful person that you are but simply a lesson teaching you growth in the life you are walking.  It's not about looks, it's not about self-worth, it is simply about lessons to your heart and in finding that out there is someone greater than what you were seeking.  Don't frown because beside you right now you see no one, smile in knowing that patience is the key to your most amazing of moments to come, the saying "all good things come to those who wait" is of the truth, do not let yourself be belittled simply because of a certain someone looks differently to you as you do towards them.
The beauty of you is there, the person in front of you that you so desperately thought was the one could very well be on a path of more growth of knowledge needed, for many reasons that person is just simply not of what you thought would be.  Too many cut their hearts short shutting off to the world that the person of their heart could be right around the corner but if closed heart, closed eyes and never seen.  If your in a relationship and you feel that it is not feeling right or has many difficulties that is a true sign for you to stop and examine what it is that is happening, that maybe this person once felt as, as a fit to your heart may have been someone put into your life for a short period to not stay for long but to help you grow and give lessons strongly needed in the life you live, short endings to a relationship is not a negative to you, failure to you is a lesson and lessons that you need to understand and find.  Again in many break ups too many feel their the problem, their not worthy, that it was their fault and their self confidence gets cut down, this should not in any way affect the person in such a way, instead be a lesson to your life, a lesson to your heart, soul, a smile in knowing instead that it is not about not being less worthy of that persons love yet a lesson of moving on to a more worthy person for you, a higher place of true love of another. 
Your standards should never be anywhere but high, and in that higher level is where you will find where that true love exists and walks every day.  Your worthy of true love, true love is for all and your standards should never be lower than that level.  Here in this world we live in each of us hold on to the greatest of love, we just have to open our hearts and understand YES we are good enough for our higher standards we hold in our hearts, that we won't give in to what feels less than what we want or expect.  The person that you so often fought to see you, to like you, to love you will soon enough see the loss that they let go by.  It is not you, it is not anything to do with not being worthy because we all are worthy of the greatest love that extends beyond the stars to have for our own in our life, so don't fret, don't let yourself be captured in that jail of low self esteem, know the love in you and for you is strong, powerful and looking for that true love in this big world we live yet sometimes can be so small when the greatest of love gets together. 
Once there was a girl who so whole heartedly blamed and blamed all of rejections on herself to suddenly find out one day just exactly how high her standards were that she was not yet seeing on that level of love,  it is as though that level is invisible until the love of ourselves shows up, than that is when our hearts and eyes open to see that level by the grace of God. 
Too many lives taken, too many lives wasted in low self worth, too many wandering around settling under that standard that it is so much of a heartache to see, know deep in you is a person who is worthy of all their heart desires.  Don't let one foolish person fog you of that light in you, smile in knowing beyond that person is someone of the highest level of love that is truly of the worth you been waiting for, for so long. 
To all girls looking at themselves feeling down, look again past what you see to see in your heart the love that you hold, than look again and again and you soon will start to see that beauty shine outwards and love everything you are looking to.  Don't let yourself be a prisoner to the negative that wants you to think you are not loving, beautiful and worthy because that negative preys on those that are not looking deep enough into themselves finding their fire of love waiting to ignite for themselves and others. 
Sparkle may be dimmed but never gone.  You have it all in you to sparkle so bright that you attract exactly what you shine, nothing but the best.  Love you first, look in that mirror fifty times a day if you have to until you see the light flicker, than smile in knowing how vividly you see the beauty shooting outward in all of you.  Don't let the little bring you down, smile to know the best of the best is on it's way, that the person that denied you will never learn the lesson of life, loving their own self.  My heart I thought could not, should not, would not ever love again has been awakened to the key of so many failures and known exactly why through the failures it has been broken in the search for the bar my husband passed set for another, that for far too many times my heart was looking under that bar, wanting too fast, moving too fast, that my heart was whispering to me the whole time "I am not ready just yet, I will let you know when it is time, not in your time it will be but in my heart's time it will be". 
Love is a hard deal, because in all love even in the truest is loss, yet Love is who we are first and foremost, the journey of our lives is so greatly large, so much for us to learn, gain, understand, explore and to just grow that sometimes the greatest of love to our lives never come before we learn those lessons, before we explore all we need to see, and yet sometimes the greatest of love in special matters comes before to be that lesson to someone in darkness having hard times to get out sent from God to push that person to the light they need to see that never could on their own, miracle of love is often blessed to many, and that kind of love is truly a blessing to the person blessed upon to help grow into the beauty that they have been all along but never seen. 
 Letting yourself be led by failure of those that don't love back should not bring you down but lift you higher to understand your heart is full of unlimited love, that when seen you will just know exactly in that split second just how beautiful you have always been, like all in life it is through the toughest of battles that always lead you to your light, so walk strong and take the breaks to breathe and understand you are of so much worth that as your dreams you dream to be true one day so is that love that you seek for.
We all have that gift in us all we just have to love for ourselves first than out into the world, hiding behind the shadows of low self esteem is no where for anyone to be, let your heart open and beam out the beauty of all of you unto the world, to find yourself walking on the truest of platforms where all the greatest of love walks and have been walking you just didn't find that out until you have opened yourself to see it, and through it is because of all the rejection your heart took in as lessons instead of negativity that you have gotten to see that love, so don't waste your precious time falling into the trap of low self esteem, self worth to waste time to where your heart really needs to be.  Kindly say thank you, say thank God for all those people you so desperately thought were the ones that turned out to not be because it is because of them you finally understand it was not you, it was not the love of the standard your heart was waiting for.
Confidence, sparkle, bright light is your path, so stand tall and walk the walk and you will see that not ever you are unworthy of anything.  Look in the mirror to see that bright light so bright starring back at you and smile in knowing you are a creation of the purest of love, that through it all you were walking through the life of toughest of things to be who you are where you are now, and still have much more to walk, so love, be the biggest of love you are put here to be and in it all you will find nothing but unconditional love flowing into your life, no matter how long, no matter how many doubts, it will be, it is there, you will find it.  Just when you are least expecting it like as fast as the flick of a switch it will be.  Isn't life pretty full of unexpected precious gifts?  It amazes me just how unexpected things unfold when never thought of nor crossed your mind there it is, there is what you thought of in your heart for so long but in that moment it was not on your mind to surprise you and say "hey there here is what you been waiting for, but since you have stepped back and let go of wanting so bad this is your gift to you, here I am".
Life's pretty blissful in moments of the unexpected, that the more you see it, the more it flows into your life, like the saying, "set it free, if it comes back it was meant to be", so is the same for anything you feel so whole heartedly for, you have to not force it, hold it tight, you have to soon let go of, not give up but let it free to hands higher and leave it from your worries of thoughts and mind to see one day your unexpected that expected so hardly before appears to you with a surprise and a gratefulness of anything greater in this world.  A thank you to above, as you stand in shock to what you have wanted so badly but let go has come back your way in the letting go,  it may not be in the form of how you expected but greater than what you thought of or seen in your mind.  The miracle of letting go.
So this is a special one for so many out there feeling down and out because in your down and out if you hold on for longer with all your love you will find your miracle of unexpected coming your way, don't let go, don't give in, don't fall prisoner just hold on tight your miracle of letting go is on it's way to you and your heart.  Know deep in you that you are worthy of all you see, all you feel, all you dream, to you it may seem to be that but it is in disguise to the actual realness that is coming in it's own time your way.  Love you, Love others, stand tall, carry your bright confidence and wear that smile of sparkle out in the world to be thankful for what is of now knowing that soon what will be.  Even if you feel it's been so long you will see all of you awakened and looking around to life in its purest of form.  Don't give in to the unworthiness, low self esteem keep watching you and see that greatest love of all you hold within and hold on tight, your miracle is on its way, even if it feels so long don't fret it is still there on its way to you.  Until then love, love, love, laugh to the ones that paid no attention to you knowing just how much they need to learn.
In dedication to a very special man in my life that proved to my heart I could love again and open my heart knowing in it's different way that unconditional love is always around you.

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Dec 24, 2013

On this day Life was breathed into the world

This Christmas reminds me of how blessed your life is when you pause and look back to the life you have gone through, to the new, to the bad, to the struggles to it all and now here you are once again looking back to the many, many, many blessings that surrounded you without even in notice of the times they were happening.  I open my heart fully in this moment to feel the warmth of the love accepted into my life and heart thanking my dad for his lessons to my heart before passing and still now where ever he may be watching over.  Miracles I do know now happen, I was open to the miracle of God’s love in that one moment in the hospital as I talked with my dad about everything that thought of from my heart to feel the fullness for once in my life of how a daughter should feel to her father, that feeling of daddy’s little girl kind of love, that in that moment all the love lost was given back to us in that split second and how I felt so close to my dad knowing no matter what time spent apart this was our moment, this was my miracle of love given to both our hearts from God, his miracle of  father, daughter’s love reunited.
For because of him I’ve learned to accept the love of God in my life into my heart and have been blessed to be a part of a place full of so much love.  On this day I celebrate the person who forever never leaves us astray and walks every walk with us on a path full of so many blessings if only you understand to accept it, not to ignore nor walk away from. 
Looking to the Christmas of now is a day the world was blessed by a miracle of a miracle awakening a world of all different, but each here for a reason and a unique purpose to find.  If you can stop to look back all of what you been through to see you are here still and standing in you, you have to know that wasn’t done all on your own that through your darkest of times you still stand strong your heart knows how you got to where you are today through so much, it was not alone you walked through the hardest of times.  If ever now the dark is around you know through this post that you will be led to the light if your heart opens to understand in faith and belief you will be walked out of that dark by the grace of God and his love to you.
Today is the day we need to truly understand how our lives has turned out is to be in thankful for it to God, to know walking with in his love is the path of exactly where you need to be walking, to seeing your life change in so many ways, the little blessings around you keep blessing turning into bigger blessings to even miracles of love, it is us yes that create that but not alone those blessings occur to us and our hearts, it is because of the blessing of a birth that took place tonight that our lives today have so much to be thankful for. 

Even in our most horrific of times tonight is the time to understand that without God this life we have now would not be, it was the birth of Jesus that gave us all what we see in the beauty around us, walking in the love of it all is a blessing to your heart and soul to never walk away from, to understand that with that love nothing in life is impossible, to count your blessings and know with that walk with him you will never be led left alone.

To understand that your struggles may be so tough and doubt your faith is only building you to the strength he only gives to people that can handle so much, I truly see now in our struggles with out his love I’d never be where I am now.  Grievers may grieve forever but will never grieve alone, hold on tight in your sadness and open your heart to know you have the power of great love on your side waiting to help you grow and be the best, beautiful being you were meant to be on this earth.  I lost my husband but after a while it broke me, but it broke me so wide open that my heart seen the love that whispered to my heart just exactly what was put in my heart to do in this world.  Moving forward looking to blessings I know so deep in my heart that with God ALL is possible.  The tears you weep will be lifted to a higher place than where you lay now, that in it all God has you, he has your special plan but first we must grow into it and have our struggles and only in the blessings that come little by little we will start to see the bigger blessings coming our way.
Light a candle for all that you love that are not here because it is that flickering flame that is the burning love that will never leave you, your heart, your side, your life, love is a line that is to be never severed, that line shall always be.  Know that on these hard days and occasions that in God’s love you will find the ways to walk so hard through it all, tonight is a night of miracles, miracles of love, birth, the trinity of love.  As we see the happiness bursting in our child’s eyes know that Santa really isn’t all what tonight and Christmas is about, it is most about the glorious of a miracle birthed into this world that created all.  For me in my heart this is what it whispers to me.  So many stories of my life to explain the actual proof that with God and in your heart ALL is there, all is possible, walk with him, love him, take him in and you shall find and see for yourself, with him there is nowhere to go but up.  For so long I ignorantly felt I truly was in full acceptance of his love but to recently find out that truly there was so much for me to know of, to do, to see, to grow, to explore.  Now I am seeing it truly in the purest of ways.
Grief will forever will be in our lives but the love so full in our heart will forever lift that pain to allow us to breathe, and have our moments of breaks to see the clouds lifting in understanding just what the beauty and blessings in it are trying to speak to us, to try and let us understand so much is ahead of us that to let our lives come to a stop is not what God had in intention for us, look up and find the beauty to the answers you need, they may not come right away but little by little you will hear the whispers from your heart in the silence you seek.  Tonight’s the night to say thank you, to be grateful and most of all feel the greater than love that is all around you.  To grievers I tell you to keep walking that tough path because soon you will look back and be in awe just how far you have walked.  To know in your heart your loved ones passed hold your hand silently and unseen and also if in your heart Gods hand along with theirs.
Thank you Lord for what is of now and what will be in the future because now I truly know to walk the walk with you is the walk of great love and battles to be conquered and much growth and exploring to be done, that in it through it with your life is all possible, loving the most to love others is the greatest possible to anything you seek

Christmas is a time for Love; a time for Joy and Peace;
A time to trim the Christmas Tree and a time to stuff the geese.
It's a time when we can come together, however far or near;
To shed a little hope into a world of sorrow and fear.
Yet Christmas could be all year 'round, if only we would try
To gently wipe an old man's brow or soothe a baby's cry.
 If we could smile throughout the year as we do on Christmas Day;
Just think what happiness we'd shed along life's weary way.
To give a gift of Hope to one who otherwise has none;
To be a Friend to somebody whom everyone else has shun.
To be Forgiving of our faults, and of our sisters and our brothers;
To Live in Peace and Harmony with ourselves and with each other.
Ah, don't you see that Christmas is more than opening up the gifts;
It's more than singing Christmas Carols and rolling in big snow drifts.
It's a feeling that can stay with you throughout each day, all year;
And all it takes is a loving heart.....and a sensitive little tear... ~Unkown Author
To even list all will take forever so grateful for everything that is happening in my life nervous scared but in it all is where you reach the stars being completely far away from your comfort zone WOW just in awe and so grateful for it and now I say BRING ON 2014 I'M SO READY FOR IT thanking most my Dad and husband watching over me because I know they are smiling bright knowing the biggest of lessons they taught to my heart my dad most of all for opening my heart to God finding him at New Song Church and allowing him in my heart because with him I know these little blessings to big ones would not be possible and most of all my husband for allowing me to be broken so wide open to seeing the beauty in the tears that lost to understand exactly he was my angel sent to me here on earth and now with wings still remains my angel.  Find your heart whispers, find your angels, know of your angels that once lived here on earth shall never ever leave you or let go of the hand of yours they hold.  Through tears to smiles they forever will be there to walk with you, to smile to God in knowing that you found your way.
Find your love and no pain can ever compete with that love, be thankful for where you are now and know where you go from now may be unknown but not something to fear of by the grace of God you will be walked to a path destined for just specifically for you, that in that you will walk the greatest path of the strongest love.  That your loved ones passed are thankful to know that in your heart you found God's love along with theirs to make anything you walk through double the strength to rise to every occasion of things headed your way.  Merry Christmas and Happy day of the birth of Jesus because with out this glorious day nothing would be, our lives would not be, nothing would be except total darkness, a world with no life
In all seasons I see my husband passed, in the winter as the snow falls sparkling I see the sparkle of our love and the sparkle of his beautiful eyes, in spring when everything flourishes to such beauty I see our love that flourished to be the greatest of love, In summer as the sun beams leaving my cheeks feel of warmth I feel his touch of warmth touching my all of the greatest love that is, in the fall as the leaves fall it reminds me how he loved fall and was of his favourite season. 
Most of all through him I found that he was my earth angel sent to me from God to bless me with the growth I needed in my life.  Most of all if not for this night I'd never be blessed with this earth angel sent to me of Unconditional love that now has wings watching me from where ever he may be.  The exact same goes to all grievers out there, take your deep breaths, find your silence and take your brave steps ahead, your not alone, never unloved, and so much is waiting for you of great love, passion, and dreams.
I like to say from my family to everyone out there from the deepest of my heart have a beautiful loving, miracle filled Christmas and light a candle in honor of love, in honor of your love, Gods love and the birth of all our love, most of all the miracle of the birth that started it all, the birth of Jesus, The holy trinity.
Earth angels are given and gifted to the hearts that are blessed upon by God to show life needed in a different way, a way that our eyes are quite not seeing, to guide us, love us, help us grow, and most of all open our hearts to see love is real and that God blesses us each day with what ever is needed to whisper to hearts to open and listen.

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Dec 17, 2013

Preach on Preacher

If I were a preacher I’d stand up tall and strong and devote my heart to every word that came out of my mouth.  I’d preach to stand tall In the life that you live, understand what goes on around you is not what matters, people around you are distractions to your own self being, the voices of others that invade your space are just noises not voices spoken to from the heart, besides what someone says that is not backed by action really shows that it is just that WORDS.  When you feel frustrated, angered, negative it’s ok to feel the emotions but don’t let it harvest your future, don’t let it grow your garden of dreams.  If you feel your life isn’t what was planned it is because that life is the life you are so willingly deserved that what lies ahead is more of a life than you could of ever imagined. 
If I could preach I’d preach to every show off, looking down to others because there isn’t anyone in this whole world that stands higher than anyone else.  To the chaos that surrounds your every being because you look to others and see what you don’t have look closer in your own life that all the beauty is there and still lays ahead.  Don’t bite your tongue if someone makes you feel as though your nothing, because you are in this world for something, you may not have fancy and riches but materialistic things are not what are of value in life, it is who you are from the heart that counts the most.
To all the people that find happiness in the outside, soon enough will fall in knowing happiness is what you have on the inside to give to others on the outside.  Look to the success of images and messages all around you to smile in knowing what you see may not be of the heart but only of someone chasing happiness rather than finding it where it is most important INSIDE.  Don’t look to your life as though you are nowhere, that you have gotten nowhere, nothing to show, no images to bring, no messages to speak of because if your heart is speaking to all around you than in the silence of the heart and what it radiates is all the images messages and signs of I’M SO SUCCESSFUL is all you need. 

I’m talking of all this because so many people feel as though they are nothing because of what they do is not riches and fame when all along it is of the heart that is of importance, if you love out into the world, lift others up, help, and just be there for people in need that all in its own is a success of riches and fame because no amount of celebrity status, money not anything will ever make you feel as you do when you lead with your heart.  When you do what you do in silence and not heard is when you know your heart is of unconditional real love. 
I’d stand proud in the accomplishments of helping another person in pain rather stand in the fame of another.  It’s about loving you first and spreading love throughout any person in the darkest of times, that alone in you is a gift to gift unto others and that plays the role in the purpose of heart you were given.  I use to run around wishing I was this, I was that, wishing my life was more, when one day my heart awoken to a passion bigger than anything and realised it’s not of what attention you get of others it is working in your own life bringing joy and light to others where all of what mattered most is.  At the end of the day it is not about whom you have the attention of around you, it is God that see’s what you are doing and how you are leading your life and accepting him into your heart is really what matters the most at the end of the day, he is your riches and fame.  When Jesus was curing, helping, loving people he was not put in a spotlight, he carried on doing what his heart carried him to do, he did not look around to see if he was being  admired or catching the fame of others hearts he simply did what he did with love in silence.

If you’re out there feeling that what you do is not of importance look deeper in your heart to know in silence is where all your fame is, that what you are doing is an importance to the hearts you are healing, people you are helping, the climb you chose to climb with others to help on the way up, rather than only thinking of yourself to get the attention of others, to climb with no heart leaving people in need behind.  If it takes me forever to be where I need, where I dream I will smile in knowing it doesn’t matter because I took the time to see the people around me in need and helped them along the way. 
Really so tiring to see the braggers, the things that people seem to think that is so important in life when really they truly don’t see what truly is important.  On bad days I feel something is wrong with what I do, due to that idea I need to rid of in my mind of not being seen nor getting the attention of those who are famous and my idols.  Fact is those that lead with their heart in silence are truly the ones that get what life is about.   In silence is your success, to those around you scared to praise what it is you do because they are climbing the climb and do not want to put the attention on another. 
In all parts of the world we are own fame and fortune that we bring from our divine purpose through walking with those in times of need, for loving fully and in our part of the world we are making the difference in this world for the better, not anything can comfort your mind at the end of the day for putting the love into another of need.  So when your thinking to be famous or high profiled to get somewhere or to feel if you’re not you’re not of importance you need to look into the mirror to understand that you are famous, you are high profiled, even though you may not be as well-known you still offer this world an exact purpose of special significance to be here in the life you live.  Listen around you because in silence you are changing lives, and due to the fact you are doing what you do from the heart to not expect anything in return is a value bigger than any riches can give to you.
For far too long I’ve lived thinking to be someone special I needed the attention of someone more well known I know in my heart I have the biggest of well-known in this world who is called God and that cannot get any more bigger than anyone out there, with him alone in your life you will find the life of divine, the life of precious unconditional love to help so many that need out of the dark, guided by him you shall forever find blessings little by little all around you.  I get that it is flattering to be known and have many adore you and in the eyes constantly of so many but touching hearts of all in need is where I’d prefer to be.  This goes out to so many right now that feel what they are doing in their life is not of importance, or they strive to want the attention of a celebrity to help them be noticed more, your life no matter where you are is of great importance no matter who sees, whose head you turn, when led by the heart God is the one that will lift you higher and in his eyes only is all you need to worry about to attract and be recognized.
Biting my tongue no longer, things are not of the same anymore too many are out to be that one person of attention because of who they know, who they got the attention of, it frustrates me because of all this it shows others that because they are not in that life style that their life is not of worth when in all it is of the opposite, in silence is when you know you are building to something even bigger than your heart ever expected, in silence is really when you know you have grabbed the attention of others they just don’t speak of it because they know you’re at the peak of your climb and that scares them.  No worries for me, no worries to all you out there building your life but feeling you are getting nowhere because your nowhere is higher than where you been before, it’s in that silence that the people who do not get what leading life from the heart is all about, that there eyes of their heart are not open just yet.  So remember you are important no matter how quiet it is around you, God see’s you, he feels you, he guides you and that’s the journey your feet need to be grounded to, in time what you seek will be bigger than anything you ever could of imagined. 
Grief is a hard topic, yet once broken open is truly where you see the beauty in it all, to see the light come on is truly where you see your love was led truly unto that person, in that alone is a bigger blessing than anything in this world.  Don’t fight your purpose because you feel it should be filled with fame and fortune, your life is already of fame in fortune the biggest person who you hold the attention of ever in this life time is God, he blesses you with all you need in the purpose you build.  So say to yourself always I am worthy. I am on the right way; his guidance will never leave you astray.
I remembering a man that every day I would walk past and see and smile to him every day as he was putting around in his back yard making it look it’s best, and even in winter he would always be out still in no matter what weather there he would be and one day as I walked by he said to me “ I look forward to your smiles every day, I’ve come quite accustomed to seeing you every day you pass by here, makes what I feel working on that is not of necessary that it is so much more, I feel that being back here is my little place of sacredness added with you and your bright smile”.  That’s just it sometimes in life we just do not know how important we are to people, to feel insignificant is to let go of the glorious life you been blessed with.  That all in silence there are blessings close to you that you not know of, that even in the hardest of times in frustration you feel you are not getting nowhere in life because you are not being heard, noticed, or have so many that adore you out loud that in reality you are in silence, you are seen, you are heard, you are valued, you are loved.
Being human sometimes we can often get side tracked in the disbelief that the attention we need to be of value is to be noticed by higher profiled well known people but we always forget that the one person it all matters to is in God’s eyes, he is our biggest fan and with him all things are possible.  You do not need swarming fans, high profiled people, because all that is of happiness of the outside find what your happiness within is trying to tell you and step forward in what your heart leads you to.  “The greatest battles of life are fought out daily in the silent chambers of the soul”. – David O Mckay.  “The greatest comfort in this life is having a close relationship with God”.  – David O Mckay.  “If silence were your only friend, know that the universe understand you.  Should fame and wealth find you – know that it is much better than your finding them.  For you shall have silence as your best friend”. – Amarjyoti Acharya. 
NOTE TO ALL:  No matter where you are in your life you are of value, importance, loved, and great significance, that in your silence is your fame of the blessings of your heart and the eyes of the most important walk with you through each step of your life leading you to all you need and all where you need to be, don’t worry about having to make noise, heads turn and have people gaga over you , that is all not what you need to become who you want to be, that the following you have may be small it is your heart and the life’s you change one at a time that grows everyday even in moments you do not realise you have touched a heart , be you and do not change for no one because you feel you are unworthy and what you do is not of importance because it is the opposite of what you feel.
 Love you, love out in the world, love and nourish your purpose and do not feel it is a purpose that is not of significance because all our purposes are of great significance to this world, to specific people who need our purpose in their life in the darkness they wander.  We are human and yes sometimes that is taken for granted in the tears we shed for feeling insignificant to others that ignore us, but we make our life what it is on our own not by what others do for it.  You’re not in the lime light you may feel but your loving heart that leads you to where you go is all the lime light you need to ever see and have. 
Be the true you not what you feel will bring you riches and fame because all that is not what you hold in your heart nor where your heart truly needs to be.  It’s ok to have idols but not to be so consumed by attention of that person and basing your worth on the attention you receive from that person.  If I could preach I’d yell from the highest mountain that every person in this world is of value and loved, that they are of great meaning to this world.  Never forget to remind yourself everyday “I am of worth, I am important, I am love and most of all I am God’s beautiful creation in a unique way to be of importance to people’s life out there somewhere”. 






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Dec 11, 2013

Tribute To An Angel On Earth


By the grace of God and the great lesson of my Dad after his passing I was led to a place full of love a love beyond what this earth holds, it is of a love that is touched by the grace of Gods love, New Song Church this is a place where you truly see Gods love at work, a place God touches to every person that steps into their door.  I've never been so awakened to a part of my life that has been missing for far too long, a part of my life that immediately got awoken.  No words can ever describe the love that is a piece of this church, it is as though a little piece of heaven here on earth.  Once you learn the lesson to look past the outside for what is on the inside you then will be touched so deeply you have no other choice but to fall in love with every person you make eye contact with in this place of glory. 
I remember the day I made a deal to my heart after my Dad passing that for him I would go to the church that he loved, a place where so many love him, on this day my life changed forever as though a fresh breath of fresh air entered my whole being, it was as though a part of my heart was awakened to what I thought had already been there, the love of God, it was the day I knew it was time to let God enter my heart truly.  The gift of a room so full of unconditional love that lied in every person in this sacred place, a little piece of heaven is what I'd like to think of it.  This is true, you will never go to a place to see so many who put aside there struggles and have faith in God that with him all will be the way it should be in faith of his love.
Today in this blog I'd like to pay tribute to a beautiful family, to a beautiful man that has left this world but to move on to his life of walking the grounds of the real heavens, I do believe that Mike was an angel here on earth to touch the hearts of so many to help them understand just exactly what love is all about, he was an angel sent to bless the family he spent his many years with, he was there to bless them with the gift of unconditional love, peace, and joy.  I did not know Mike and his family for long, yet as I was so afraid to step into a place of the unknown on my own at New Song Church these people touched my heart immediately. 
Wanting to keep that piece of my Dad alive this was important for me to do, the more time spent with Mike and his family the more my heart just knew in them was a piece of my Dads love.  Looking to this man you could feel right away the warmth of his love and the great love he had for everyone, you could see his soul shine bright through his eyes and smile.  Barb, Tiffany, Melissa, Owen you could see in them all the great gift they had by their side each and every time you glanced upon them sitting with Mike.  They all alone hold each a special gift in them that told my heart a story, that even in strangers you can find the love that gifts you the feeling of like you have known these people forever, with gracious open hearts, arms and acceptance that alone is a gift that not all acquire so easily.
Each week that went by I grew more and more accustomed to being able to see and speak to these beautiful people, the hugs, smiles and laughs always made my heart understand that this was a place I was led to not by no accident, that in these people I felt closer to my Dad, closer to the love of God, something I thought I had embraced but so selfishly never understood what it really meant to fully accept God into your life, your heart.  I'm proud for the days I got to embrace this family, grateful to of been able to embrace their gracious love.  I type today this blog because a man that was so bright, so genuine, an angel in my eyes has left this world today leaving behind so many that loved him, It's no accident he was so loved, everyone as I did could see just what it was I seen in him.  His family will miss him and have hard times ahead but by the love they carry that can never be severed Mike will always be the guiding light in their life, although not seen he will be felt in them, he will be carried by them where ever they go, through them he will remain alive.
Mike was a man that truly would brighten up your darkest days, his gift to this world was the wings of an angel to love unconditionally, and lift those he knew were down, his love was sent by God to his family to bless them with a special kind of love they all so deserved.  There are many I truly know walking this earth right now,  right this moment in your family maybe a friend,  a boyfriend,  a wife,  a husband,  that are truly angels sent to people in their life to brighten and enlighten what they deserve in their life to be taught that unconditional love is real, it is magic it is God.  I remember the brightest smile in New Song Church that I could not wait to just hug, now when I enter the church I won't see that nor have that hug but I will remember it, vision it and keep it in my heart.  I honestly don't have no words to make this better, to go away, to erase the pain but what I do know that the love Mike shined upon so many will forever lay in so many and never be forgotten, that each day the support and love will lift this family in every tear that they shed, that God willingly will bless them as Mike did with love, peace and joy to find their way through this great loss.
Tears fall as I type this but in memories I have to remember is where the smiles will be, as I watched Mike last night I could see in his eyes he was seeing the beauty of where he was going, that even though leaving such great love here on earth he knew in his heart he really was not leaving them that they would just not be able to see him, that he'd grace each of their heart invisibly instead of in the flesh.  I watched him glancing around,  to some it may seem he was not seeing nothing but to my heart I knew he was seeing the place he was going to of great beauty and a reconciliation with so many he loved that left this world.  His warm hugs and beautiful smiles will never leave my heart, his family forever will be in my heart, and I will continue to love them and know them more each and every day.
I smile in knowing that the only people that could get me up and dancing was Mike and his family each weekend to a song that meant more than just words to them all "Lean On Me", I smiled every time because that was not just a dance that was a circle of Gods love, that was moments that are now treasures of memories, to hold onto the hands and embrace Mike and his family was the love of God working through them all onto me to help me understand just how important it is to let God in.  Not enough words can ever pay enough respect to this angel of life that blessed so many, a man that lightened the world to brighten the dark and love the ones that never knew of love before.  He was funny, courageous, beautiful and a blessing.  Angels walk on earth and Mike was one of them.
Earth Angels
They live and walk amongst us- yet you would never know
For their wings they never show.
They don't come in a misty cloud
Or flying down from the sky.
For they live here on earth walking with you and I.

They are watching over us
in more ways than I could count
This is what they do - this is what they're about.

They lead us on the path of righteousness
When we seem to be going astray
And show us the light, to live a better way.

How many times have you felt something
Was de ja vu - not realizing the angel was
Walking alongside of you.

We are all born with a guardian angel
Which has been given to us by GOD above
To show us faith, peace and love.

They work with the earth angels and
Give them a report, so between the two
Of them, our lessons can be taught.

Our earth angels- are everywhere you go
And which one is yours - that you'll never know.
~ Louis Rams ~               
Barb Knight Scarlett, Tiffany Nestor, Melissa Smith, and rest of family let your heart be full knowing he was your earth angel and now up above with wings he still remains your angel now and forever.  My heart knew this as soon as being in his presence and I know in all of your hearts you knew the same.  What a blessing for God to show so many that Unconditional love has blessed your life, that through him unto our earth angels our hearts will forever beam in knowing just how special it is to be picked to have such an angel in our lives here on earth, to bless our lives and be the rock that holds all together, to teach lessons we need to be taught, to know just how special you are to be sent such an angel.  Not many can say their life in times of need were sent a blessing to guide them in the life they live.  That even though no longer here they still will grace upon you and your heart their wings they have been given and never ever leave you on this journey of life you are on.
God Bless Mike for blessing this world with his brightness, love, acceptance of everyone and lessons of the heart that go deeper and deeper as you remember his legacy here on this earth the days he walked here in the lives of many. 
I cry in knowing when I go to New Song Church Saturday that his bright smile will not be seen but will feel it in my heart and know he watches over.  I hope he gets to meet up with my dad and let him know just how much I love him and thank him for bringing me to this little place of heaven here on earth called New Song Church.  I hope and pray to my dad he will help Mike if he sees him ever needing help where he is now, I know that my dad will smile in knowing that I have been blessed to of met Mike an knew in my heart he was angel walking on earth.
Dance and sing with Elvis Mike you have earned that blessing, I'm sure he'd be more than happy to jam anytime with you.
To you all as the song says lean on me in anytime you feel you can't stand alone, my love and all is here for you always.  Don't be afraid to reach out because we all need someone to lean on.  God Bless Mike and may he fly high like the beautiful angel he is.  Deeply missed but forever will be remembered and in our hearts.  Thank you Pastor Jerry for being so gracious and letting me spend such precious time with all of you.  Seeing the beauty in Mikes eyes last night confirmed to my all that the place he was heading was a place of wondrous forever lasting love, peace, and miracles.

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Dec 7, 2013

I Heart You Day


I want to start a mission and see where it takes me, every day or every time that I can I want to go out to talk to strangers with a heart with a message inside it to do to another, someone this person does not know, I will take video of me talking to who I present a heart to every time I do it.  I will leave that person my email to contact me to share their story of what they did and who they did it to, maybe if they can do a short video using hashtag #IHEARTYOUDAY when uploading, this was just an idea that came to my mind the other day so I'm hoping it will get out there and manifest bigger and bigger.
It was pretty tough to come out of my shell and do a video it is not something I usually feel comfortable doing so at the same time it will force me to get out of my comfort zone as well as everyone else I give a heart to.  I do believe now a days it's the simplest of things that lift people up because life is tough and there are so many struggling tough battles we all know nothing about.  I decided to do this because I smile to everyone I can and can see in their face that it has made them feel better as they smile back to me.  I know on my bad days out in the world a simple smile lifts me out of my funk that I am feeling that day.
So in hopes of all of my belief I want to take this out in the world and spread some love to everyone that I can and pass it on to others to do as well and in hopes this spreads big and brings some happiness to people going through hard times, having a bad day, just anyone feeling sad, and alone in the day they are in.  I know through the toughest of my days knowing people are there that truly love you can bring you back from that rock bottom you feel you can not get out from.  I hope to find a group of widows/widowers in this task to form a group to possibly get to know more and share with everyone just what it is like to grieve.
I'm very nervous because I know this is a huge task for me but also know I've faced bigger tasks and got it done and believe there is not anything not one of us can not do.  The biggest thing in this world for us all is love, love ourselves, love others from friends, family and strangers, to lift those higher in their time of need.  So here I go on my way to a adventure of love, wish me luck :).  My heart of the day today was to smile to everyone you pass by to smile and say hello, try it and let me know your stories.
Sorry It's been so long since a blog but I have been having some hard times and things to work through but I know now nothing will ever keep me from being here and posting all that I can in hopes to help as many people I can that grieve.
P.S this video was so hard for me to do ha ha not use to doing this and being a camera kind of gal so be easy on me I will get better :).

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