This is a place for all broken grieving hearts to come, its my safe haven and I share this with all of you to be your safe haven. I am hoping through my journey of grieving as well as my real life experiences through grieving I can help all through their darkest hours, to ease the pain a little less, to maybe just give an ear to listen because sometimes that's all we need.

I am willing to bare all to each and everyone who comes to this blog. I want no one to be shy of anything. I want anyone to ask question's, tell their stories with pride. No one will judge you, or think you are different. We are all here going through the same thing GRIEVING. This is my safe haven, your safe haven. The place to heal, to find your smile again. Through this all I am on a journey to writing a book as well "The Grieving Path To Joy".

May 15, 2012

James Van Praagh


I have always taken a huge liking to James Van Praagh due to the fact of some personal experiences as well as always feeling in my heart that life just does not end after death.  Losing many loved ones in my life I have always felt their love even long after they have passed.  Going through our busy lives we never really take the time to notice the blessings of signs all around us that our loved ones passed are trying to send to our hearts.  It is through James I truly realised to slow down to acknowledge all the love around me, to truly take in the messages sent to our souls from a loved one passed.

Through James I have learned to open my mind as well as heart, to not be so narrow minded as well as oblivious to life after death.  So many pull the blind folds over their eyes, if only just for a second they would stop to think to understand is when they will truly feel the same.  Even far before I lost my husband I had realised that our loved ones passed were always with us, not to be seen yet to be felt.  To instill blessings in our lives each as well as every day.  The heart when open will feel, will start noticing such beautiful signs around us each day, it will start to feel deeply the presence of our loved ones passed.

James Van Praagh has always touched my heart as well as life due to the gift he carries in his heart.  He always touches my heart through the gift he is forever using to touch peoples life.  His love for his blessings radiates brighter then any bright light.  It has always been so moving to me that he is forever mending grieving hearts, that he touches the pain of grief with love in helping people to truly feel at peace, to truly help ease their pain in their times of despair.  Watching a grieving soul with such pain in their hearts turn in to nothing but great peace, watching their pain evaporate in to the air touches my heart deeply.  James is a gift to all grieving hearts.  He is a gift to the pain we carry for so long in our hearts.  I have always thought to myself what it would be like to bring such peace to peoples hearts, which has brought me to creating my blog in hopes to help all grieving out there in this world. 

It has been said our loved ones passed were a gift from God to show us just how much we can love, that their love is God's way to love us through them.  It is to my realisation that James Van Praagh is a true gift given to this world to bless the hearts of all that grieve.  Through James people take such deep comfort in knowing their loved ones passed will forever be with them, that our loved ones passed may no longer be seen yet always remain in our lives to send huge blessings in our lives. 

For those who may doubt, it is not until you fight your way out of the pain your heart will then take notice to it all.  Through grief it is the pain that traps us from understanding as well as feeling our loved ones passed are always there, that they are sending their love to be felt.

There is no denying this for me, I was at my deepest of lows in my grief when my husband passed sent to me a true blessing of his love.  There was no denying the moment, nor saying it was of a coincidence.  On this day I can never describe to you the feelings that surrounded me, then from out of no where a message of love was sent to my heart from my husband passed.  It was in that moment I felt everything just leave my mind, my heart, it felt as though I was freed from the grief.  In that moment my heart felt his touch, I felt his powering love whisper to me "he will never leave me in despair", that his true love will be the light in my darkest hours forever.  Through this experience I felt my heart feel at ease, that grieving took on a whole different way of feeling as well as thinking.  Later on in another post I will share with all of you this experience as well as pictures so you all can see along with know our loved ones are forever making sure we are safe, that we remain blessed.  Once you see my experience you will just know in your heart that although our loved ones passed can not be seen they still surround our lives with their love.  If you all rise above the pain it is then you will see what it is in your hearts your loved ones passed are forever saying to your hearts as well as minds.  Their gift to us will forever remain with us, it is their gift of true love we find the strength to make it through it all.

I am not saying to ignore that pain, simply allow yourself to feel it yet don't let it take a hold of you forever.  What lies past the pain is what waits for your hearts to recognise.  Grieving is a pain like no other, I honestly believe it is a blessing in disguise.  It is through grieving we find the power that has always been in us, it is that power we find that we understand that in our life there is not anything we can not do nor accomplish.  Through the grief we truly find who we are, we start to take a bigger look in to everything we see.  It is as though our hearts open, our life blossoms, it is when we truly see what it is to live, we find our purpose in this life we live.

James Van Praagh blesses the world with his gift, he is the one that shows others all of this, he opens up minds as well as hearts.  For people who are stuck in the pain he lends them his hand of love to pull them above the pain to see the world in a complete beautiful way.  He allows great peace to the pain in peoples hearts, he closes the chapter of pain in peoples lives.  It is through him people finally start to smile, that people start to truly understand what it is to feel complete peace in their hearts.  Through his gift all grieving hearts are awakened to what it is their loved ones passed have been trying to let their hearts know all along. Hope begins to grow in their life, strength begins to flow, that is when grieving hearts start to fly like eagles.

Once your grieving hearts open up to understand is when you start seeing the love as well as blessings in your life.  Your loved ones passed are the gift in your life that will forever keep you on the path to all of your dreams.  I honestly feel in my heart that due to the tremendous pain we have felt is why we truly end up finding so many doors opening up to us, blessings to us from true love we have been blessed with.

It is in grief we find ourselves, we find our power, we find our strength.  In grief we find the miracles in life.  For those stuck in the darkness James blesses them by pulling back the darkness for them to see the light in their hearts as well as life.

Through this journey of grieving I have never known before things that have been there all along that I have never took the time to notice.  That to me has been a gift, to me it will forever be a blessing.  I take strength in knowing that losing my loved one passed has been a gift to me, to my life, it has been the way to open my eyes, to open my heart.  It is through my husband I have found myself, it is as though his gift to me is his forever true love he has given to me, to our daughter, to our life.  Our loved ones passed will forever carry us through our darkest hours.

James Van Praagh I will always be thankful for you, my heart will always thank you.  From a far I will always be admiring you as well as your gift of love.  It is due to you people find peace in their life, in their hearts as well as minds.  You will forever be a true gift to all paths you cross.  I thank you for your true genuine love you show all in just your presence.  Your gift will forever be healing all grieving hearts around the world.  You are a blessing to our hearts as well as our souls.  I thank you from the deepest of my heart for just being you.  Your true to yourself, as well as others you meet.  It is in great hopes that I get to meet you one day soon.  To be in your presence would be a true gift.  Thank you James Van Praagh for just being you.  Your bright light radiates through out the world.

NOTE TO ALL:  James Van Praagh has always been the reason I have been wanting to reach out to all grieving in hopes to touch the hearts of others, to in some way be able to mend the hearts of all grieving, even if only a little.  It has been through him I have realised our loved ones passed will be in our lives forever blessing our days with their love.  Through them we start to see the importance of our life.

Go visit James Van Praagh


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