This is a place for all broken grieving hearts to come, its my safe haven and I share this with all of you to be your safe haven. I am hoping through my journey of grieving as well as my real life experiences through grieving I can help all through their darkest hours, to ease the pain a little less, to maybe just give an ear to listen because sometimes that's all we need.

I am willing to bare all to each and everyone who comes to this blog. I want no one to be shy of anything. I want anyone to ask question's, tell their stories with pride. No one will judge you, or think you are different. We are all here going through the same thing GRIEVING. This is my safe haven, your safe haven. The place to heal, to find your smile again. Through this all I am on a journey to writing a book as well "The Grieving Path To Joy".

Jul 9, 2013

Keep Kissing The Frogs


Finding it deep in your heart to feel the time is right, that the time is right deeply in your heart to get out into the world to start living, to start dating, did you just cringe as you read that?? well if you did don't fret it, no matter how long, how soon, no matter what that is a topic that goes deeper and beyond our hearts that grieve. 
It’s all about things that will scare every inch of our bodies as well as our lives, fears of the entire unknown.  So many may feel so many emotions on this subject yet when it all comes down to it we all know in our hearts our loved ones passed would want us to be happy, they would want us to step out, knowing in our hearts it will never be the same, that love shared with you loved ones passed is put in a sacred place in us all and will forever be there.  For many in their hearts there will never be the feeling of wanting to be with another, yet in life it sometimes has a habit of showing just the opposite of what it is we think in our mind.
I talk about this right now, right here because it’s been two years for me, deep within my heart I feel it is there, that now is the time to jump out into the world to find a special someone to laugh with, to share with, to start anew again, knowing full force that it will never be how it was before.  Now I know as I type this that is one of the biggest, scariest, factors in all that grieve lives, one day or another.  I say to you all right now that it won’t be easy, it is going to be the most uncomfortable you have ever felt yet through it is lessons to your soul, you learn who it is you truly are, what it is you truly want, you see to learn from the past that you will not settle for less than the best due to knowing the life that you had with your loved one passed, through them you learn that the bar is raised high letting you know that you do deserve the best due to having the best.  It is not in materialistic things, it is the unconditional love way, knowing that your heart truly knows it exists that moving forward you will not settle for less than that.
Recently recovering from a horrifying experience of a man I thought could be the one, yet sometimes life pulls out a wild card teaching you a lesson and for that lesson to be seen, heard and very well known.  That people truly come into our lives to teach us a point, to wake us up, to show our hearts in case we forgot that no matter what YOU DESERVE nothing but the best, whether it be just a friend, companion, boyfriend, if they aren’t dealing it you aren’t taking it.  Your heart along with intuition will be singing to you loudly, so listen well, and understand what it is saying to your soul.  If you’re a nice person who does not like to hurt others do not let that get in your way, if you feel it is not the one than in a nice way let it be known right away, do not wait thinking a miracle will happen and that person will be the one.  If you find yourself striking out, than know it is not about striking out it is about finding what you deserve and in this moment it is not there yet know without discouragement one day it will be.  Do not allow you to be caught up in the negative, smile, say thank you and let the universe know NEXTTTTT. 

 I know this is a deep topic and of many different opinions, yet here I am a believer of being able to be happy with someone again, and deep down in all that grieve they feel that way to.  I do know that it is a major battle, it is uncomfortable, it is debilitating, hurtful along with so much more yet this is life, and this is our life to be lived.  Live your life; find it in you to fight the fight that surfaces every single day of every second of the days.  Do not look to how long it should be, how soon it is, the timing is not right because in it all is a surprise to your heart, it has nothing to do with any of that and in the midst of thinking of that all that the second chance may be walking away just as you think of that and dwell on it.  For me no this time definitely not, yet I definitely picked myself back up, dusted myself off and know out there is what I deserve, nothing but THE BEST.  If the lessons of what it is I keep forgetting keep coming into my life than I will keep getting back up each and every time until I find what it is that I know in my heart I deserve, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. 
Let me also let it be clear here, INTUITION is a gift, do not ever, ever disregard what it is that you feel, that intuition in you is there to let you know exactly what you need to know in that moment, listen to it, truly listen to what it is saying to you as well as your heart, cause the sooner you know your lesson the better.  No it is not easy at all to be where we are, to have to move on without our loved ones passed we thought would be with us forever here on earth yet it is that love that wants us to find love of another in a different way than how it was before.  No one is here to be alone, our loved ones passed don’t want to see us alone, if anything they will bring someone to you, they will deliver it right to you out of the blue, out of nowhere leaving you in total state of shock, that is how it is supposed to be, how it is supposed to happen, as though through your days you are never seeking it.
Envision in all of you what it is you want, what it is you are seeking, write down every major factor close to your heart, keep that close to you, in all that visioning as well as writing one day you will see the Universe has seen your request, the love of your loved ones passed have seen your requests, until than in between it all there may be those that come your way to help you understand just what exactly what you do not deserve nor asked for.  It is life,  the saying “you have to kiss a million frogs to find your prince” isn’t no joke so pucker up, use chap stick and enjoy the ride no matter how bad you fall down each time.  Deep down in you is the desire to keep pushing through it just because you can, because you deserve to.  It’s not about being alone;  it is about moving forward finding yourself, finding happiness with another.  For some it may be just a friend, companion, whatever it may be just let it be and don’t fight it.
I know no one is perfect yet to us the right one to our hearts will feel it, if you feeling your doubting, debating, finding excuses than know that is your intuition saying “hey this isn’t the one”  politely refrain and accept the lesson in the person that was sent to you.  I do know sometimes through all the hard ones, the ones not meant for us that each time it is a reminder of what it is we are not looking for, I’m guessing because sometimes from time to time we forget just what exactly it is we do deserve.  It is not about settling, life is never ever about settling, you vision what it is you want whether it’s a relationship or dream and hold on so tight to that to get the best of the best out of all of it.  We are all here to be our best so why not bring in the best to our circle we live in, in fact it is always said to “be with those that lift you higher” strong words to be said yet also to be remembered.
So today was quite a day yet in all of me I just knew it was a volcano getting ready to erupt, I spoke my truth, yes it may have been harsh but you also don’t have to put up with those that want to step on your toes.  I looked the lesson to me right in the face, told him just exactly how it was I felt, my poor best friend had to experience this experience but she knew it was coming.  If you do not ever speak out along with up about what it is you feel, life will drag you to a place of nowhere, a place of complete lost, no matter how uncomfortable it is be strong enough for your best life to speak what it is that is the truth from within you. 
So today I kissed another frog good bye to find my prince coming soon puckered up put chap stick on and am ready for the next frog to come my way.  Perhaps this time it will be my prince, that is just it no one never knows, that is what life is all about taking the leap, taking the chances but always finding the ways to get up and do it again, it may be right, it may be wrong again but getting back up is all that matters.  I finally tapped into my heart forgetting what it was I had been shown from my loved one passed, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, if you aren’t bringing it I am not accepting it nor anything less than that.  I finally felt the strength in me to understand I deserve to be treated like a queen, that if I am not anything but that you are wasting my time yet reminding me each and every time just what it is I deserve.   Lessons of love, life, soul, are all in us to feel it, to hear it we just have to stop ignoring it.
Being alone does not mean you are alone it is just a moment in time to accept the love all around you move forward, be happy, enjoy who you are, enjoy every moment of every day.  Do not get lost in the ALONE part you may feel, that too is another trap of cutting yourself off to the bright light that needs to shine from you.  Waiting for that one person that accepts all of you will be, in the meantime just keep puckering, don’t let fear, self-doubt, negativity keep you from being who you are and who you truly deserve.  When you do feel down, you feel you can’t go on, or you feel you can’t speak your truth listen to this song, this song is my anthem, I hear it loud and clear, I play it each and every time I need a reminder to my heart, soul, and life.

My dreams, my visions, my best life are all what I know will be, not no one person will ever make me let go of any of it just because it is not convenient for them.  To feel that unconditional love your heart carries will always be your reminder of just what it is you deserve.  Like UPS drops to your door, so will that one that accepts all of you for who you are.  Don’t fret the small stuff because in that fret your wasting what you’re supposed to be seeing all around you, your losing touch to the blessings you have and that are there.  Take your deep breath and speak your truth, it may be hard, it may be harsh but it is the truth of your heart.  If your toes are being stepped on, than show that person that your toes aren’t a place of stepping. 
If you had nothing but the best given to you by your loved ones passed than why accept anything less than that from another?  That’s life, nothing is a guarantee, and fears are fears to be faced to see what it is that lays in that fear.  Taking chances, believing in you, knowing it is not all perfect, but also knowing in time it all will be.  Love is a tough road yet not any harder than the road we travel through grief.  If anything it is in that grief you will find the strength to see all of your beauty and blessings all around you that soon enough you see through the negativity to know it’s dressed in positivity.  You become more aware, your heart becomes a vocal to all of what you see.  Your intuition becomes more vivid, all of you just opens seeking out where that unconditional love lays.  So yes moving on is hard, tearful, paralyzing yet in all that it is only as bad as we let it to be.

Yes there will be tears, heartache, yet in at all you will stop to realise what it is you have already been through, that nothing else could be worse, that nothing else could ever be worse than losing your loved ones passed.  Feel in all of you that life is to be lived to your fullest, that others may come your way to bring you down but that don’t mean you have to stay down.  I know today where ever my husband passed was he was proud that I was not accepting less than best that I spoke the words of truth no matter how hard it was.  “Another one bites the dust” I do believe were my exact words.  Mean?? No, true to what I deserve yes.  Standards are high?  No because that is the level where you are and deserve.  Carrie from “Sex in the City” I remember found her big, so will everyone else in this world that is in search of their own.
Don’t put a time on anything just be in your moment, the moment each and every second you are living, don’t stress it, don’t fear it.  Whatever it is you can vision will be one day, you just have to never let go of that vision nor settle for less than what you vision.  Love comes only when you are truly ready, only when you yourself love who you are.  So live your lives to erase the thoughts of you are alone, none of us is ever alone, love is always with us, around us, in us.
NOTE TO ALL:  Remember that life is to be in every moment of every second, to not dwell on the what you don't have, because while your dwelling on the what you don't have the what you do have escapes you, leaving you feeling like you have nothing.  Remember to keep that chap stick in your purse, keep the puckering up to par, leave the doubts out there away from you.  Do not blame you for others that do not see what it is you are worth, don't let yourself lower to their level and understand it is not you, it's just another frog bites the dust.  Do not ever feel that you don't have it in you to want to be loved again, to believe that is to let your heart stop beating.
This ones dedicated to John Cacilhas, another frogged kissed but no prince to be found



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