This is a place for all broken grieving hearts to come, its my safe haven and I share this with all of you to be your safe haven. I am hoping through my journey of grieving as well as my real life experiences through grieving I can help all through their darkest hours, to ease the pain a little less, to maybe just give an ear to listen because sometimes that's all we need.

I am willing to bare all to each and everyone who comes to this blog. I want no one to be shy of anything. I want anyone to ask question's, tell their stories with pride. No one will judge you, or think you are different. We are all here going through the same thing GRIEVING. This is my safe haven, your safe haven. The place to heal, to find your smile again. Through this all I am on a journey to writing a book as well "The Grieving Path To Joy".

May 14, 2014

Be the Leader not the eyes of Blindness

This is the picture that lighted a spark of fire in me to open my eyes to start thinking of all things I have seen and so strongly tried to take on alone to change, to understand that so foolishly believed we have come so far to now know we have not come as far as some believe we have.  

Are you the person that looks past the evil that lurks in the world that with blind eyes knows the past has never really gone anywhere?, just to be covered and coated to look pretty and invisible to the eyes of today.  Are you truly the person that quietly walks passed a man/woman that lays on the concrete,  outside,  homeless and hungry?, to look past a child who is being mistreated, a bully bullying another, racism that lurks in places never thought of?,  to think,  it cannot be,  those days are over and is suppose to be of the days of the past.   

How about as being a female thinking of the days we had no say that we have come so far?, do you find yourself strongly in you wanting to think these are all things that truly are not still happening in this world to believe out of ignorance that it is still no longer.  We as individuals are always told the past is the past, that the past is in the past, however that past of such hatred lurks around us yet with eyes masked by society and the sugar coated of making these things look invisible to our eyes are there and to over look that thinking it has been left in the past is the ways of others who over look it all makes you to believe it cannot be so.  

Do you feel that only one you as one person cannot change the world alone?,  to be afraid to face those demons face on to only fall and fail.  It is you and only you that little by little, with little acts of kindness, with being the purest of love you were created to be here on this earth with the love of the creation of our love holds on to more power in you than ever known,  if only you tune into that and know that one person can build a bridge for those stuck in a life of hopelessness.  

It is you that is here to be the leader in your side of the world, to help, to change, to be strong, to be vocal and do not let these things that are masked that so many turn cheek to denying there selves to believe that it cannot be so.  When I see a person outside alone, cold and hungry I may not be able to give him or her a home but I can feed them, give them something warm and give that unconditional love.  I can see the ugly in the world to do my little acts of kindness to change and be the change to start the change of the evil that still lurks of the ghosts of the passed.  

As it is to you that can be as well, it's in the little that snowballs to become bigger and bigger in this life, good acts always outcast the bad, the more good the less and less that bad shrinks to no longer hold the power it once did.  As far as being afraid to fail because what you are faced against is bigger than you is only the negative trying to keep you from doing what your suppose to be doing.   Don't be fooled but the pretty is the ugly  masked  and not visible to the eye of those who want to believe the ugliness of the past is gone.  

You may be of one person but if you truly think you have the power of the creation of unconditional love, that with God on your side he always will bring you passed your greatest of challenges in love, faith and belief.  We were put here to help, to love, to create a world of the purest love, so why waste time to ignore the acts of evil that cross your path, turning in disbelief that this life is all rainbows and peace.  I read a post today that brought out the fire in me to start seeing that things of the past are still everywhere we are, that they will never go away if we as a whole,  as a person forever turn away and believe it can`t be.  

If you fall, if you fail, that is all just even more reason for you to see the evil is there and does not want you to see it and change it, it wishes to keep you down and bounded to the blind eyes of so many.  You are one person, I am one person, but if one person after another stands strong to face these evils of the past soon enough in all parts of this world there will be leaders forcing out the hatred and bringing in love, the love we are all put here to be, forming a world of helping, loving, becoming stronger and wiser.  

There is never a situation that my heart will allow me to walk past, a woman crying alone, I approached her in fear yet walking past that fear I approached her, to later find out what she shed tears for had mended and worked out, a man just here from Africa was being taunted by ladies to see you could clearly see they wanted him to do the worse to get him in trouble, to approach the situation no matter how scary,  to distract the man of the evil that was trying to bring him down and ignore that and see that love and good people still do exist.  It is little acts that you are so terrified of but face that fear coming out to see the brightness of what this whole world can be and will be.  

In all of us is a leader of unconditional love, it is not to look out for just yourself and leave others behind, it is to be fully there for those who need the hand of your love to be helped through things that so many turn their back to.   I know that if each and every day I do all that I can to change the bad of this world that it will reflect to the ends of the world showing so many they can to.  Nature is part of us, the beauty of the growth in nature, a mother bird feeding her babies, squirrels running and playing, looking around to see the beauty that grows as the same we are the creation, created as the same as the beauty of nature that takes our breath away and brings peace to our hearts.  

As being the creation of that beauty it is us as well is a part of that great love.  So why turn cheek to the greatest gifts in you to be that brightest purest of love, to be peace, to be like the mother feeding her babies helping them to grow, the squirrels that play but do not know each other.  As of the love of nature so are we one with that all.  The acts of love outshines the darkness that always tries to put barriers on of all that is good, but to keep fighting is what diminishes that darkness, yet will always lurk it's ugliness again and again to those that let it.  

For those who think they are better or hold a power blinding others, little do they know through brightness of good they are unveiled and will also fall to their knees in knowing they are no better or powerful to anyone, that all here on earth are equal.  Yet it takes the huge strength of one to start that blindness of many to open eyes of the real life happening around them.  It's not about lifting your life up and stepping on people around you to get where you want to be faster than the rest, or believing that your better than those you step on.  

I am one person with a heart full of love that believes in changing the ugliness that should not be no longer, I feel the hard falls, so will others but getting back up each and every time holds the almighty power of change, the change of love, the change to vanquish the evil that lingers all over the world disguised in pretty and peace.  Heart fully open will allow your heart and eyes to see things of the passed have never really changed, maybe it has gotten better but to be all better it will take many leaders to change that little to be completely better and rule out that darkness.  It's been too long to keep letting the past lurk in our future, to walk passed it, to ignore it, to deny that it is even there.  

You, me, all of us that live with open heart can see the truth behind the masks.  In our own little ways we can each and every day make that evil less and less and show others they to can as well.  "I AM THAT, I AM",believe strongly that you are an equal, be humble, be gentle, be a giver, be love because the past of evil can only become stronger if we let it.  I refuse to let the passed of women being nothing take part in this world today by those so stuck in darkness believing and being afraid that change is for the worse, that darkness is their light, that thinking if women were just as equal in their believes they would be nothing.  

The sick twisted thoughts of evil always has a way to making the bad sound good.   This one person ain't letting evil break the love that has come so far in this world, I may be one but in the one lays that Godly love to always walk each step that I walk in fear but changing the world little by little.   It is in us all to know we can walk through the darkness to make through to our light, that light always lightens darkness no matter what we battle.  Women, man, we are all of equal no matter what the evil makes you believe.  Are you afraid of a women to do what you do better?, that is evil talking no one is better than another we all work equally here in this world, your gifts may be different than mine, mine different than yours but never one better than the other.  

It is truly time to unmask the pretty of ugliness that fools so many into believing it is no longer, to let others see it for what it is, what are we if we talk but do no action?, it may be scary, it may be tough, but nothing as evil as what lurks in today will be easy, life is not easy because in the tough you find your powerful lessons and strength.  I no longer accept that this ugliness deserves to walk around in this future we are building to so hardly, honestly, lovingly, I most definitely refuse to ever believe as a woman I am less of a man, man, women, it does not matter you to me,  me to you equal will always be.  Walk your life tall, strong, brave, change the evil that you can, start a following of leaders that do the same and soon say good bye truly to the past.

Does not matter where you are, fear is your conquer in the end to realizing that fear was just a hollow image trying to keep you down.  Each and every one of us holds a piece of us in everyone stranger or not, different race, religion, man. woman, look to another knowing in them is piece of you making you no different than what you see before you, as though a reflection in the mirror, cast away the fear, the darkness, the ugliness, to the future of a bright light so bright your eyes hurt but smile in knowing that in the brightest of bright you helped to vanquish the dark of the now and our future.


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