This is a place for all broken grieving hearts to come, its my safe haven and I share this with all of you to be your safe haven. I am hoping through my journey of grieving as well as my real life experiences through grieving I can help all through their darkest hours, to ease the pain a little less, to maybe just give an ear to listen because sometimes that's all we need.

I am willing to bare all to each and everyone who comes to this blog. I want no one to be shy of anything. I want anyone to ask question's, tell their stories with pride. No one will judge you, or think you are different. We are all here going through the same thing GRIEVING. This is my safe haven, your safe haven. The place to heal, to find your smile again. Through this all I am on a journey to writing a book as well "The Grieving Path To Joy".

May 19, 2016

Don't Look Back Your Not Going That Way

Then and now, often times gets combined in your life as you live in the now without any knowledge that you have gone to the past in the now until you one day realize really why you keep circling like you been living the same day over and over again.  You stop in the unsurprisingly fact that you stand in utter shock that you have been choosing the past already gone caught up in trying to be living in the now.  You see things of the past that you want in your life now, you want all of what you were and what you had in the present that it totally blind sites you to what you been doing for so long until you realize why am I not getting no where? 

That truly is when you stand gasping in utter shock of not believing you never noticed happening for so long.  Yes it is a very common and wide spread issue happening in so many of lives right now.  However once acknowledged, is not a failure to you or your live it is a stepping stone that you have realized and making the choice to move forward to do what you need to live in the present.  I know from experience I often find this happening a lot in life, I look for things that once were to be here in the now, I look to find the way of how I was then that is no longer to only find out that person is no longer of the now, that person left a long time ago and to try to hold on to things of once was only keeps you in a circle that never ends as you live now. 

As a widow starting a new chapter it is easy to want characteristics, personalities, qualities of the person you loved so much to be of the person you want to be with or are with to be that way.  It is crippling to keep holding on to these wishes of wanting in the now because that person will never be again, that person was your past a memory for yourself and heart as you live life now.  There are so many aspects of your life that happened that it is so easy to want to go back, what we need to see is that we have to grow and keeping a hold on what you are, had from the past keeps you unable to grow and move forward to all the little to biggest dreams that wait ahead for you. 

Never have I seen it so much in my life until now, the craving of the past wanting to hold on to so much wanting it to be present still.  This is a daily habit to find yourself having to recognize on a daily basis that you are doing it, that you need to work very hard each and every day recognizing and letting go, the past is no longer,  it is nothing more than a memory, so everyday is a fight on bettering yourself to let go to move forward in understanding each day you work through it you will grow more and more and find your little pieces of dreams, goals and love evolving more and more. 

Sometimes you want to hide out for just a little while, understanding that much so as the greatest of moments vivid in your heart mind and soul are from the past but yet knowing it is crucial to not stay stuck there.  This topic I chose today is because of experience and everyday I try to get my feelings of experience out there in knowing others to may be going through this hardship in the exact time I am as well. 

It is only from personal experience and my heart I base topics on to in hopes to reach at least one person to know they are not alone, to see and in hopes to gain hope and faith that it will not last forever, you can break the habit and break through to step into the now of your life and stay there moving forward.  It is so very easy to fall into habits we carried for so long but like all once we recognize what we are doing it is just the same to fall in the habit everyday to become the better person we see ourselves to be. 

It is quite a miracle to us all that not one of us is bound to be stuck in any of our bad habits we sometime see invisible that we all as a person can be the person we dream we always wanted to be, that not one of us is bound to not be our dream, that in all of us in this world our dream is ours to achieve.  Our habits do not ever keep us stuck if we forever choose to see it, break free of it and continually walk through it. 

To not give up on you is the most important in life, to feel you cannot over come the issues you may face everyday is to say you do not deserve to breathe, if you are here you are here to forever kick the cycle of whatever struggles you may see yourself continually in on a day to day basis but to fight that cycle and change it for the better.  For me I look at it as pinching yourself, often enough your going to feel it and know it hurts to understand that you do not want to pinch yourself no more.

I do not say it is not an easy process, however working on you, working on the parts of you that you want to change is definitely a everyday process, routine once you get to know and see it and want to address it, life period is not easy and that as well is what makes us all a stronger growing person to become who we are suppose to be, who dreamed we want to be, to be where we dream to be.  Yes it's long, times are dark yet through the pushing through you see the light little by little every step you take forward.

At times there may be so many things within you that you feel you want to make better for yourself that it may feel impossible but as I always say what does it really say in IMPOSSIBLE, IM POSSIBLE.  To know in due time you will get through all you see and know deep within that you feel to change will be every day as you work through it and constantly address it and understand why asking yourself how can I change this?  Why do I want to change this?  Does this need to be changed or can I surrender to it and let that rest

We are not perfect but most definitely a work in progress every single day we step out of our bed to thank God for a brand new day again.  That alone is enough to breathe life so strong into your veins to conquer all that you feel you need to that day.  Be you do not try to fit in another's life, choose always to be you and fit into you and only you always. 


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