This is a place for all broken grieving hearts to come, its my safe haven and I share this with all of you to be your safe haven. I am hoping through my journey of grieving as well as my real life experiences through grieving I can help all through their darkest hours, to ease the pain a little less, to maybe just give an ear to listen because sometimes that's all we need.

I am willing to bare all to each and everyone who comes to this blog. I want no one to be shy of anything. I want anyone to ask question's, tell their stories with pride. No one will judge you, or think you are different. We are all here going through the same thing GRIEVING. This is my safe haven, your safe haven. The place to heal, to find your smile again. Through this all I am on a journey to writing a book as well "The Grieving Path To Joy".

Dec 11, 2013

Tribute To An Angel On Earth


By the grace of God and the great lesson of my Dad after his passing I was led to a place full of love a love beyond what this earth holds, it is of a love that is touched by the grace of Gods love, New Song Church this is a place where you truly see Gods love at work, a place God touches to every person that steps into their door.  I've never been so awakened to a part of my life that has been missing for far too long, a part of my life that immediately got awoken.  No words can ever describe the love that is a piece of this church, it is as though a little piece of heaven here on earth.  Once you learn the lesson to look past the outside for what is on the inside you then will be touched so deeply you have no other choice but to fall in love with every person you make eye contact with in this place of glory. 
I remember the day I made a deal to my heart after my Dad passing that for him I would go to the church that he loved, a place where so many love him, on this day my life changed forever as though a fresh breath of fresh air entered my whole being, it was as though a part of my heart was awakened to what I thought had already been there, the love of God, it was the day I knew it was time to let God enter my heart truly.  The gift of a room so full of unconditional love that lied in every person in this sacred place, a little piece of heaven is what I'd like to think of it.  This is true, you will never go to a place to see so many who put aside there struggles and have faith in God that with him all will be the way it should be in faith of his love.
Today in this blog I'd like to pay tribute to a beautiful family, to a beautiful man that has left this world but to move on to his life of walking the grounds of the real heavens, I do believe that Mike was an angel here on earth to touch the hearts of so many to help them understand just exactly what love is all about, he was an angel sent to bless the family he spent his many years with, he was there to bless them with the gift of unconditional love, peace, and joy.  I did not know Mike and his family for long, yet as I was so afraid to step into a place of the unknown on my own at New Song Church these people touched my heart immediately. 
Wanting to keep that piece of my Dad alive this was important for me to do, the more time spent with Mike and his family the more my heart just knew in them was a piece of my Dads love.  Looking to this man you could feel right away the warmth of his love and the great love he had for everyone, you could see his soul shine bright through his eyes and smile.  Barb, Tiffany, Melissa, Owen you could see in them all the great gift they had by their side each and every time you glanced upon them sitting with Mike.  They all alone hold each a special gift in them that told my heart a story, that even in strangers you can find the love that gifts you the feeling of like you have known these people forever, with gracious open hearts, arms and acceptance that alone is a gift that not all acquire so easily.
Each week that went by I grew more and more accustomed to being able to see and speak to these beautiful people, the hugs, smiles and laughs always made my heart understand that this was a place I was led to not by no accident, that in these people I felt closer to my Dad, closer to the love of God, something I thought I had embraced but so selfishly never understood what it really meant to fully accept God into your life, your heart.  I'm proud for the days I got to embrace this family, grateful to of been able to embrace their gracious love.  I type today this blog because a man that was so bright, so genuine, an angel in my eyes has left this world today leaving behind so many that loved him, It's no accident he was so loved, everyone as I did could see just what it was I seen in him.  His family will miss him and have hard times ahead but by the love they carry that can never be severed Mike will always be the guiding light in their life, although not seen he will be felt in them, he will be carried by them where ever they go, through them he will remain alive.
Mike was a man that truly would brighten up your darkest days, his gift to this world was the wings of an angel to love unconditionally, and lift those he knew were down, his love was sent by God to his family to bless them with a special kind of love they all so deserved.  There are many I truly know walking this earth right now,  right this moment in your family maybe a friend,  a boyfriend,  a wife,  a husband,  that are truly angels sent to people in their life to brighten and enlighten what they deserve in their life to be taught that unconditional love is real, it is magic it is God.  I remember the brightest smile in New Song Church that I could not wait to just hug, now when I enter the church I won't see that nor have that hug but I will remember it, vision it and keep it in my heart.  I honestly don't have no words to make this better, to go away, to erase the pain but what I do know that the love Mike shined upon so many will forever lay in so many and never be forgotten, that each day the support and love will lift this family in every tear that they shed, that God willingly will bless them as Mike did with love, peace and joy to find their way through this great loss.
Tears fall as I type this but in memories I have to remember is where the smiles will be, as I watched Mike last night I could see in his eyes he was seeing the beauty of where he was going, that even though leaving such great love here on earth he knew in his heart he really was not leaving them that they would just not be able to see him, that he'd grace each of their heart invisibly instead of in the flesh.  I watched him glancing around,  to some it may seem he was not seeing nothing but to my heart I knew he was seeing the place he was going to of great beauty and a reconciliation with so many he loved that left this world.  His warm hugs and beautiful smiles will never leave my heart, his family forever will be in my heart, and I will continue to love them and know them more each and every day.
I smile in knowing that the only people that could get me up and dancing was Mike and his family each weekend to a song that meant more than just words to them all "Lean On Me", I smiled every time because that was not just a dance that was a circle of Gods love, that was moments that are now treasures of memories, to hold onto the hands and embrace Mike and his family was the love of God working through them all onto me to help me understand just how important it is to let God in.  Not enough words can ever pay enough respect to this angel of life that blessed so many, a man that lightened the world to brighten the dark and love the ones that never knew of love before.  He was funny, courageous, beautiful and a blessing.  Angels walk on earth and Mike was one of them.
Earth Angels
They live and walk amongst us- yet you would never know
For their wings they never show.
They don't come in a misty cloud
Or flying down from the sky.
For they live here on earth walking with you and I.

They are watching over us
in more ways than I could count
This is what they do - this is what they're about.

They lead us on the path of righteousness
When we seem to be going astray
And show us the light, to live a better way.

How many times have you felt something
Was de ja vu - not realizing the angel was
Walking alongside of you.

We are all born with a guardian angel
Which has been given to us by GOD above
To show us faith, peace and love.

They work with the earth angels and
Give them a report, so between the two
Of them, our lessons can be taught.

Our earth angels- are everywhere you go
And which one is yours - that you'll never know.
~ Louis Rams ~               
Barb Knight Scarlett, Tiffany Nestor, Melissa Smith, and rest of family let your heart be full knowing he was your earth angel and now up above with wings he still remains your angel now and forever.  My heart knew this as soon as being in his presence and I know in all of your hearts you knew the same.  What a blessing for God to show so many that Unconditional love has blessed your life, that through him unto our earth angels our hearts will forever beam in knowing just how special it is to be picked to have such an angel in our lives here on earth, to bless our lives and be the rock that holds all together, to teach lessons we need to be taught, to know just how special you are to be sent such an angel.  Not many can say their life in times of need were sent a blessing to guide them in the life they live.  That even though no longer here they still will grace upon you and your heart their wings they have been given and never ever leave you on this journey of life you are on.
God Bless Mike for blessing this world with his brightness, love, acceptance of everyone and lessons of the heart that go deeper and deeper as you remember his legacy here on this earth the days he walked here in the lives of many. 
I cry in knowing when I go to New Song Church Saturday that his bright smile will not be seen but will feel it in my heart and know he watches over.  I hope he gets to meet up with my dad and let him know just how much I love him and thank him for bringing me to this little place of heaven here on earth called New Song Church.  I hope and pray to my dad he will help Mike if he sees him ever needing help where he is now, I know that my dad will smile in knowing that I have been blessed to of met Mike an knew in my heart he was angel walking on earth.
Dance and sing with Elvis Mike you have earned that blessing, I'm sure he'd be more than happy to jam anytime with you.
To you all as the song says lean on me in anytime you feel you can't stand alone, my love and all is here for you always.  Don't be afraid to reach out because we all need someone to lean on.  God Bless Mike and may he fly high like the beautiful angel he is.  Deeply missed but forever will be remembered and in our hearts.  Thank you Pastor Jerry for being so gracious and letting me spend such precious time with all of you.  Seeing the beauty in Mikes eyes last night confirmed to my all that the place he was heading was a place of wondrous forever lasting love, peace, and miracles.


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